Damn, they managed to make it look even worse.
Wut, this game looks great and those screenshots even better.
6GB vram...... full..... wow this game is really ****ly optimised then! how can a game that doesn't have great textures or realtime reflections take up so much damn vram!!! absolute joke as 6gb is extreme enthusiast level..... where most of us will have 2-4GB cards....
Yep and that's at low settings!!!!
Game uses just over 2GB for me with everything at ultra and Termporal AA or whatever it's called in the game. I gather Mr 6bg above is running with some form of "extreme enthusiast settings". Also, this game has great textures, like, really good for an open world game.
I really do like this game, I lost my save saturday night somehow. Entire game was gone and somehow uplay cloud backup was useless. What's the point in backing up to the cloud if it doesn't function in the event of some kind of loss.
Either way I started again and still really enjoying it. Spider tank is much fun and I love the implementation of stealth mechanics. You can literally engage objectives in many different ways from hacking people and stuff, running in all guns blazing or just stealth around capping people with a silenced weapon.
I guess this game just clicks with me, one minute I can be walking around just hacking people for their money the next I've just rammed someone off the road with a truck and am taking out 4 or 5 pursuit cars with a grenade launcher then two minutes later I'm stealthily infiltrating a CTOS center.
As an open world game it gets all of this stuff right, the city is very well built and populated too, there's a few things here and there that are a little off but for the most part this is a great open world game that also brings a lot of elements from non open world games seamlessly together.
Another thing it does really well is the online stuff, jumping into other people's games and others jumping into yours is fun and it feels right, it even makes me paranoid.
It is sad to see that some people seem to be having real problems with crashes and performance. I feel that the game is pretty well optimized the level of graphics and detail give about the right FPS and very importantly stable FPS compared to other contemporary games.
I will say this, watch dogs seems to use a lot of CPU, I don't think my PC has ever churned out so much heat!