Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

The performance hits you get when altering in-game graphic settings are very illogical, almost completely random!

I'm sure these issues will be ironed out soon but wow what a gorgeous game and rich with features. The game definitely looks it's best during twilight and night so I can see exactly why the reporters with early access moaned about the city being in perpetual darkness. The addition of daylight was probably a last second addition and boy does it look bad sometimes.

Driving around is so much fun, I did see criticism about the driving mechanics but I honestly can't see why... you can change the camera to bumper view for some serious precision driving.
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Terrible how?
In 0.7 DOF was only applied when running and a few other situations I felt that was nice.

In this one it's just DOF all the time or not at all.
The trees are jiggling around, all the vegetation is constantly reacting to storm weather when there should be no wind.
Some places are too dark.
Headlights are extremely bright and glitchy.

0.7 was a good balance imo but after the ubi patch that doesn't work the same anymore.

0.9 on the way soon apparently.
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There is a WorseMod alternative also posted on Guru3D, you cannot use these together, and apparently it's been specifically better for those experiencing stuttering.

WorseMod seems like a tool for opening up gorgeous graphics for those with seriously beefy rigs, check out these screenshots for 0.8. Rather than providing a preset adjustment of graphics this new tool allows you to edit the gameprofile.xml file from a nice little GUI.

EDIT: This can be used together with WorseMod, just make sure you only drop in the patch files but don't follow his instructions to alter the xml file.
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Anyone else experiencing ghosting?

Seems fine until after 10 minutes of play then an imprint lays over the entire screen for the rest of the duration.

EDIT: Disable AA to completely fix this! :P
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Mystified as to why they didn't include melee combat in this, Sleeping Dogs style would have been excellent but it feels so strange not having that additional way of "interacting" with bad guys.
anyone know or can you summarise what's going on at guru3d? Just read that TheWorse is not finishing the mod to v1.0 and that kadzait24 who was doing his version of the mod has been banned.

0.9 version will be the last one. I'm sorry for the people that actually wanted more, but I can't suffer anymore of this. I should have never join this forum with the other guy already here. I saw how impune he was about all this, about all fake accounts and now this, it was and it is too much for me. Again I'm sorry, but I will not allow anymore of this.

The last version will be simple and easy to install, just one patch.dat to put in your watch dogs folder and done. Thank you so much for the support, that's what kept me going through this journey.
anyone know or can you summarise what's going on at guru3d? Just read that TheWorse is not finishing the mod to v1.0 and that kadzait24 who was doing his version of the mod has been banned.

The mods (tweaks) have been a bit of a joke anyway tbh. Headlights on cars flickering like strobe lights, trees moving around like they're possessed and time of day speeded up so that a day lasts about 5 minutes. I was on a mission and it was pitch black, went around a few cameras spotting enemies and it was mid morning :D

There really is a reason this stuff was removed from the game and it was because the engine clearly cannot handle it without throwing up massive bugs. Both the worse and kadzait were talking like they were some great modders ,when all they done was broke the game some more and argued about it.
HAHA!! Fantastic come back.

I think the modders work has been hampered by the official updates. The reason for the fast day cycle is because the game was originally made to be constantly dark and it looks fantastic in the dark compared to day.

We had this running gorgeous with the mods (same setup as my post in the previous page) and haven't touched any official updates.
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