Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Not so sure about this game, just get a funny feeling its going to suck.
I hope it doesn't as it could be really good.

We shall see.
UI messages popping up in the middle of the screen every 5 seconds, everything highlighted. Seeing enemies through walls, No immersion. Yep, this is Ubisoft alright!

Even the start of the video looks like the animus!
Ubisoft do seem obsessed with making all of their games exactly the same style and gameplay wise. Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed IV - 2 games which were very similar in style yet shouldn't have been given the different genres.

They just cannot let go of all the popping up messages, highlighted enemies, tedious crafting and other stuff. Also, their optimisations leave a lot to be desired - ACIV had unacceptable performance on a high end system like mine.
"So this is not Deus Ex?"
"Definitely not"

No stealth, only GTA style run and gun (and hack). Really cool idea, but missed by a mile. 1984 like universe for the older more discerning audience would have been really fresh and interesting, but this is just generic pap. I think the core idea is still too complex for the lowest common denominator, but the core gameplay is too simple for everybody else. Looks like fail :(
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it does look rather pants, hard to tell until i can get it in my hands though. Definitely not a pre purchase, will wait it out and see peoples response first. Typical Ubisoft
Don't think it would be fun causing all kinds of chaos being able to control all that you can?

Lights, trains, cameras, etc, looks amazing to me.
always thought this was going to be a huge flop, the gameplay always looked bang average and the graphics have been gradually getting worse and worse since it was originally unveiled.
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