Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

the more i think about it the more convinced i am that the e 3 vids were on the pc and the extra time was a oh crap we didn't think the nex gen consoles were going to run this so bad we need extra time to make it run smooth
Here's a comparison between last years build and this years. Wow.

the more i think about it the more convinced i am that the e 3 vids were on the pc and the extra time was a oh crap we didn't think the nex gen consoles were going to run this so bad we need extra time to make it run smooth

exactly what i was going to say, as we saw last year with the xbone dmeo cases turning out to be titan powered i7 pc's id say a lot of the footage has been pc based.
They seem to have made it like GTA looks wise. Prefer the original graphic a lot.

Removing a lot of the lighting effects, is a sign that they have had to sort out their overheads that were probably causing issues/instability in the game. probably why it was delayed - I'm going to assume the game had crazy fps issues so instead of really fixing it (which could take months) they have just removed some completely.

No doubt because Ubisoft just want to the game out on shelves asap.
exactly what i was going to say, as we saw last year with the xbone dmeo cases turning out to be titan powered i7 pc's id say a lot of the footage has been pc based.

look at farcry 3 if its anything like that buggy mess you are going to get low fps. game looks ace but ubisoft kinda always make things hard or wrong.
look at farcry 3 if its anything like that buggy mess you are going to get low fps. game looks ace but ubisoft kinda always make things hard or wrong.

to be honest thats why you dont buy NEW pc games. give them 3-6 months to patch them up a bit. if anything this is what will eventually kill off pc gaming. devs and publishers being lazy about releasing finished games that actually work as advertised.

1. You will have to climb high buildings in order to reveal parts of the map
2. You will have to kill and skin animals in order to craft outfits and bigger bags etc
3. There will be a stealth indicator which will be a cone pointing in the direction of guards etc that will get bigger the more suspicious they are.
4. There will without doubt be lots of unfailable QTEs
5. Lots of stealth sections that will game over if you are spotted(Ubisoft don't know anything else, they are single-handedly trying to kill off stealth games)

I'm not saying Ubisoft are predictable:p....just that it is the next in their line of games after AC4 and Splinter Cell that really tries to make gameplay as bad as they possibly can(though it will be a hell of job to top AC4!)
Skin animals in a city environment? I doubt that.

I know what you are getting at though. It's the Assassins Creedification of all their games. Worked well in Far Cry 3, to be fair.
Honestly, delaying it was probably the worst thing they could have done, especially when this was probably one of the, if not the most anticipated game for the next gen consoles for launch. Totally missed opportunity.

It's still highly-anticipated, and there will be more next-gen consoles on the market by the end of May than there would have been at launch so they're far more likely to sell more copies of it at full price than they would have a few months back.
wow the new consoles have only been out for less then half a year and already devs have to gimp on their products? what the hell?

this doesn't go down well for future.
That comparison video is truly shocking, surely we are missing something though? There's no way they can release it looking like a last gen console game after hyping it up so much.
Especially given how graphically enhanced their most recent titles have been across the next gen platforms.

Indeed, AC4 looks fantastic on PC and the latest generation consoles. It's not the graphics that bother me about Watch Dogs, it's the gameplay. I'm expecting it to be shallow at best, the hacking looks like it's all going to be scripted outside of being able to hack into people's mobile phones on the street which just seems like a novelty feature that won't offer anything in terms of gameplay. I imagine raising the bollards and switching the traffic lights on/off is only helpful in heavily scripted scenarios such as during missions where it's one of the objectives of the mission to do those things.

Ubisoft for me over the past few years have hardly been innovators when it comes to gameplay. Strip away the hacking and it's looking like it'll just be a generic third person game.
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