the more i think about it the more convinced i am that the e 3 vids were on the pc and the extra time was a oh crap we didn't think the nex gen consoles were going to run this so bad we need extra time to make it run smooth
They seem to have made it like GTA looks wise. Prefer the original graphic a lot.
exactly what i was going to say, as we saw last year with the xbone dmeo cases turning out to be titan powered i7 pc's id say a lot of the footage has been pc based.
look at farcry 3 if its anything like that buggy mess you are going to get low fps. game looks ace but ubisoft kinda always make things hard or wrong.
exactly what i was going to say, as we saw last year with the xbone dmeo cases turning out to be titan powered i7 pc's id say a lot of the footage has been pc based.
Honestly, delaying it was probably the worst thing they could have done, especially when this was probably one of the, if not the most anticipated game for the next gen consoles for launch. Totally missed opportunity.
does that mean the pc version is also gimped?
Here's a comparison between last years build and this years. Wow.
Especially given how graphically enhanced their most recent titles have been across the next gen platforms.