Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

So do you think its thievery if people use a VPN to unlock a game earlier than they intended release date on something like steam?
lol aye the thing was like a vinyl, apologies as i know were derailing the thread from discussions about the actual game.

Any1 know when preload will unlock?
I'm just glad I didn't listen to all the downgrade rubbish. This game is stunning on the PC. Id post some screenies up in the screenshot thread but I don't know if that's allowed before release date?
the game is indeed stunning but it runs like complete turd on my system.....

R9295X2 card.
max game settings without any aa
18-30fps gameplay @344x1440p
30-45-50fps gameplay @2560x1080p
artifacts when enabling any form of aa
stuttering and shaky artifacts.
crossfire is there, but its about as useful as a chocolate teacup.

the game really is unoptimized for amd/ati hardware.

dont get me wrong the game looks utterly awesome when maxed out.
but if you enjoy slideshows stay way.
used radeon pro and forced crossfire off,

still low frames but plays far better and the artifacts and shaking in game have vanished, can put that down to crossfire issues
game looks well awesome lol the videos/fmvs the ones it plays using ingame graphics are fine and wow again graphics are fantastic, there is some corruption though on some of the videos that play, like the dream sequence video breaking up and stuff.

overall its playable @almost 4k but just.
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The way I see it, is surely the developer gets piracy figures for platforms. Now, even if you have bought the game and then downloaded to play early. You are still adding to the piracy number, which could make a developer think twice about releasing any sequels (or new ip's) on PC. Of course I am probably talking nonsense :D
PC demos seem a thing of the past, they all want you to blindly preorder a game now and once bought you will only then find out the game is crap or now.
lol aye the thing was like a vinyl, apologies as i know were derailing the thread from discussions about the actual game.

Any1 know when preload will unlock?

It's likely there will be no preload. Which seems pretty foolish to me, as it would enable people to instantly play when it unlocks. Instead it will be download mayhem as everyone tries to download at the same time. If you have a slow connection, well tough luck.
Been watching some PC streams of this and picked up on a couple of annoyances imo:

(no story spoilers here, just gameplay)
* Some cutscenes are unskippable - grrrrrr really bugs me that.
* The driving physics look pretty poor, vehicles are either stationary or at full throttle, they dont seem to be able to just cruise like GTA4 and they move like go karts.

However, the game does look pretty good on high settings (not sure if the stream was on high or ultra) but it did look very nice, especially at night and the water effects.

A bonus too which the player mentioned was you can toggle between walking or jogging and a separate key for sprinting. This I like as all the videos I'd seen previously was the player ran everywhere, this game is meant to have a stealth aspect to it so its nice to see you can just walk/stroll about.

Unfortunately there seems to be a lack of scripting sometimes too, if a hack is activated like the traffic lights and causes an accident the emergency services turn up but dont stop, they just drive past lol, unlike GTA. I watched one vid where the player hacked the traffic lights, cars collided and one blew up killing a pedestrian. An ambulance came round the corner with its lights flashing but just carried on driving past and didnt even stop. So the idea was there but it seems like an after thought to create some form of 'real world' NPC's but if its not followed through completely then dont include it. In GTA the paramedics stop, say something witty like "he's a goner" and drive off again. But at least they stopped lol!
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Im hoping i wont regret my EA india pre-order too much. Only £17 for the deluxe edition so not too shabby even if it is total turd. I like what i have seen so far though.
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