Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

From what I have seen... the stuttering is bad on CF, especially when driving and having to stream textures. Lowering the GPU rendering ahead limit seems to fix it
I wonder if the DLC's will be worth purchasing or just be skins and other useless crap people pay through the nose for.
why they don't release demo before so buyers can try before buying and paying hard earned money?

Demos for open-world games are difficult to make, and there's plenty of evidence to suggest that a demo doesn't really do much to help sales anyway and in many cases, can actually contribute negatively.
This late is it worth pre-ordering? I notice Amazon have it 5 quid cheaper than Steam.. Won't receive it on Tuesday but still.. Best deal?

Is Deluxe really worth it? Steep!
I had high hopes for this until I played it last night. It's a pretty poor gta clone but u can hack traffic lights and steal money from random npcs bank accounts. Not impressed after 2 hours play. Will give it another bash later but it's nothing special imho.
Whilst the game is particularly eye-catching in certain instances, I still think it falls short of the splendor that is GTA V. The latter beautifully recreates a living, breathing world. All of the intricate details and nuances implemented by Rockstar are largely unmatched by most imitators. Most games simply feel bland or shallow in contrast to the aforementioned.
Graphically speaking, GTA V is unprecedented when you consider the limitations of the aging console hardware. I still think the water effects are the best I've seen, when you account for the wave mechanics that change based on the weather cycle etc.
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Tried it for a few hours today. Was really hyped about this, and the first half hour gave a great impression. The game does look stunning, and the hacking is pretty cool at first. It's become pretty old pretty quick though, and with a totally boring story I don't know if I'll go on with it.

Hmmm....I felt the same way with the Assassin's Creed series.

Can you elaborate on the enjoyable aspects?
Graphically in some areas it looks awesome, the animations of the characters and movement of the body parts/clothing is second to none, also the water is probably the best I've seen in a game ever too. Some things don't look great in some places though, but I can't put my finger on it.

I still crave GTA V...
Hmmm....I felt the same way with the Assassin's Creed series.

Can you elaborate on the enjoyable aspects?

Sure. Well the game does actually look great. Sunny daytime is a bit bland, but the rain effects and the night really give the city much better atmosphere. Feels alive then.

Using your hacking to scan everyone is pretty cool too, it's pretty much what I did the first hour of play. Picking up random crimes, checking them out and seeing the results of different actions.

Some of the mission areas are well designed with multiple routes, though I also came across a few a bit like corridors. The variety of the missions has been ok too.

Trying my best here, but sadly while playing I tend to miss many GTA aspects. Few examples:
-In GTA when chasing down a criminal, I love to shoot their legs, see them ragdoll onto the ground.... catch up to them and choose whether to let them live. This isn't possible in WD... shooting the leg does nothing bar a slight wobble.
-Absolutely love the car damage in GTA. Hit it with a baseball bat, and it will dent where you hit. WD is standard GTA3 type damage.
-Actually owning a car.
-Being able to hit civilians. Call me cruel, a masochist or whatever, but there's nothing quite as fun as grabbing a melee weapon and hitting some random pedestrians in GTA. You have no option to hit (only shoot) peds in WD.
-Close quarters combat. It's non existant in WD. You get close to an enemy, and press B. An animation/different camera angle happens and you've taken them out. (to confirm, can't do that to those pesky pedestrians!). There is no gameplay involved with that at all :o GTA on the other hand has simple yet fun fighting mechanics.

And don't get me started on the music in the game... beyond terrible. Full of kiddy punk rock, does not suit the game at all. Music is now muted.

This isn't to say it's a bad game, and many will still find it enjoyable. But I don't have any itch to go back to it.
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I would just like to remind people... crossfire doesn't work on this game so if you have a 295x2 card make sure you disable one card in CCC for this... I got 20 fps less in crossfire than I do using a single card.
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