The thing I find most frustrating above all else is that starting a car every time HAS to induce a burn out by game design. Every single other game I can think of, accelerate = normal, handbrake + accelerate = burnout/donut.
They also put that lovely little bit of screen shake in to simulate the vibration... it's incredibly annoying, completely stupid and doesn't make it cool. Being able to do a donut with the handbrake properly when I need to and accelerating normally would be very welcome. The driving is mostly rubbish, but you do get used to the stupidity and adapt to it.
I'll say one thing, thankfully they made MOST objects moveable by the car, if this was one of those games where every heavy lamp post/fence/railing/sign caused a crash and complete stop this game would be unplayable. The complete uncontrollability of the car, coupled with the majority of things braking when you hit them and not really effecting the car pretty much saves it.
Without everything braking easily every single car chase of getaway would be a nightmare of constant crashing/stopping.
I don't much care it's not realistic, but when driving is more frustrating than it is fun, you're doing something wrong.