Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

This game doesn't deserve the 8/10 rating it got. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's just a fun (in small doses), average game. It had the potential to be amazing and didn't deliver. I'm glad that I had a free key for it.

Really? I enjoyed it. Been playing 3 days straight, only game I've played, and I just completed the story and still have tons to do. Not even touched online or any of the gang hideouts or minigames yet.
It's tough if you try and tank bullets but the covers system is nice and easy to use and the tools at your disposal make it really fun. The convoy missions are tough, I haven't really found a good method for doing the ones where you need to incapacitate a target.

Haven't noticed enemies spawning on me yet, in fact I thought they'd done quite well with that.

I never did this for convoys but consider doing them at night and using blackouts. I could run right through populated areas in missions and in gang sub missions without drawing any attention, it really made things a lot easier. Failing that I always tried to draw them down an alley, preferably one with no more than 2 exits with loads of cover and just take them out one at a time, its usually not hard to take down the final targets if they're just by themselves. Buy a grenade launcher if you haven't already done so, it makes taking vehicles out so easy.

The sniper rifle you get from doing enough convoy missions is excellent. It really does penetrate a lot of cover and I found myself using it a lot when I earned it as its the most reliable way to get enemies behind cover. It can also one shot enforcers and I think it will one shot any other enemy in the body.

I played this game through on hard difficulty and I can honestly say it was hard at times, but only if you didn't use the tools that were available to you or if you got caught with your pants down(I usually ended up with dead if that happened). It doesn't help that I suck using a controller, sometimes it feels like it takes forever to line up a headshot. I thought the hacking puzzles were pretty good as far as puzzles go, the harder ones weren't too challenging or too easy. Some of the spying sub missions were funny, I think the guy listening to his girlfriend talking on her phone to one of her friends is probably the best one. The rest of the side missions were pretty samey but the gang and the fixer missions were enjoyable enough that I didn't really care. As for the story, I thought it was engaging and there was enough variety in the missions that it didn't get boring, although I found some of the revelations predictable.
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without reading the 54 other pages, could someone summarise their "user review" of the game and their feelings towards it. i have been looking forward to the game for a while now, but through lack of free time havnt had chance to buy it yet which may be a good thing?
This game doesn't deserve the 8/10 rating it got. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's just a fun (in small doses), average game. It had the potential to be amazing and didn't deliver. I'm glad that I had a free key for it.

I don't see it being worth less than 8/10. Loads of content and fun game, will keep me busy for a long time.
It is probably heading for a 6.5-7 for me. There is certainly fun to be had, but also seriously tedious bits as well. There is a real lack of humour in the game I find.

I can't really comment on the story, as I can barely hear a word any of the characters are saying most of the time.
Love this game. The city oozes atmosphere, I just love walking around. Driving is great too, dat first person.

So far the side missions and main missions I did were all fun. However the convoy one is hard as hell without any weapons (beginning of the game) and skills. Had to leave that for when I will have more stuff unlocked.
Was playing at 2am last night. I couldn't put it any higher as the background noise was loud enough, it was just the dialogue that I can barely hear. I never use subtitles if I can avoid it.

I have this on Xbox one with Wolfenstein. For some reason the centre channel is really low compared to the rest. I have to turn it almost all the way up to get clear dialogue. Watchdogs on pc has quite bad audio channelling as well it's fine in 2 channels but using 5.1 via hdmi it has issues for me.
Watchdogs on pc has quite bad audio channelling as well it's fine in 2 channels but using 5.1 via hdmi it has issues for me.

Aah, well I am using 5.1 through HDMI so I might try changing it. It is weird as I haven't found it in anything else.

The car chases can be really great when they work. I did one that took about 8 minutes earlier, and in the end the way I got away was classic. Seems to be a bit hit&miss in terms of the cops searching though. Sometimes they give up easily, others they just always know where you are.

Also, I managed to hack a few people too. One guy was standing right next me as I just stood there, and even started walking next to him. No idea how he didn't see me, it was hilarious!..I can imagine when it ended and he saw where I was:D
This has the best in-game poker I have ever seen.

I really do love parts of this game. Gameplay-wise, the main campaign so far has been very good, and just exploring on your own is great. There are many unpolished bits though that spoil it.
Well watching a review of this gave me a headache, so as good as I think it looks, and I'm sure problems so far will be patched, I'll have to give it a miss. Shame because I've been after a good open world type game.
I really do love parts of this game. Gameplay-wise, the main campaign so far has been very good, and just exploring on your own is great. There are many unpolished bits though that spoil it.

That's the problem though isn't it with this game and a lot of games in recent times, you never love or enjoy everything about it because theres so much going on, i feel like if they took away a few of the "features" this would be a far superior gaming experience.
That's the problem though isn't it with this game and a lot of games in recent times, you never love or enjoy everything about it because theres so much going on, i feel like if they took away a few of the "features" this would be a far superior gaming experience.

When I saw there were 40 of those missions where you race cars to checkpoints and then get in to other cars and repeat, my heart sank a little.
When I saw there were 40 of those missions where you race cars to checkpoints and then get in to other cars and repeat, my heart sank a little.

You sure? There are 40 Fixer missions but there are 4/5 types of Fixer mission.

Anyway, that's the great thing about side missions, if you don't want to do them....then don't :confused:
This has the best in-game poker I have ever seen.

I really do love parts of this game. Gameplay-wise, the main campaign so far has been very good, and just exploring on your own is great. There are many unpolished bits though that spoil it.

I pretty much match your opinion of the game overall I think from the looks of this thread, have you played spider tank yet? That's good for a laugh
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