Watercooled Case Gallery

Mine will be in here on Tuesday. Gunna order Saturday whilst waiting for the new dishwasher then get it here Tuesday...

Edit: Just remembered need to go halfords first :(


Why is your ram not in dual channel slots?...

One mod from stock is ive changed the acrylic cover on the water block and machined a new one out of aluminium, this dropped the temp by about 2 degrees.

Temp with no load = 16 degrees

Temp with 100% load 39 degrees
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Well, it´s a full running "normal" system. I like the open look from a benchtable and the fact, that i´m able to change the hw quickly when needed.....i´m not a bencher at all :D
Thats what the readings say and it was at system start, ive re run now 2 to 3 hours with system running and there is a slight increase due to the system heat from 16 to 21/22 and 39 to 42

The room is heated as well so i guess the twin radiator and twin fans really do cool the water well.
either way mate your water will always be several degrees above ambient, at least 5 or 6 so your room must be under 20 which is unpleasantly cold for most!
I dont know why it isnt what you say it is, just that it is what the pictures say it is on 2 programs. Why this is i have no idea but ive put it down to the cooling system and i think i have proven this already without having to resort to a picture of a thermometer in the room as well. The article here says that water cooling is influenced less by ambient temp and i think my system demonstrates that.
What do you think it should be?
It's influenced less but it's phtisically impossible for it to be below ambient is my only point.

Even with a top end multi triple radiator setup you'd end up a couple of degrees above ambient and with a prebuilt thermaltake kit which (no offence) is a fair distance from the best you can get you'd expect at a guess 5-10 degrees above ambient at idle.

there's also the fact it takes your water a while to hit its level temperature, anyway I'm not looking to start a row I just feel a bit compelled to bring up this point when you see suspiciously low temps, there's either something wrong with the reporting which is a problem, or it's bloody freezing wherever the PC is which isn't if that's your sort of thing :)

Have a read here..


The main sentence is..

"Water cooling systems in which water is cooled directly by the evaporator coil of a phase change system are able to chill the circulating coolant below the ambient air temperature (impossible with a standard heat exchanger)"

A rad is a heat exchanger :)
I am not easily offended and you do seem to be knowlegable about all this sort of stuff therefore i am trying to be logical about it but cannot change the readings from yesterday which suggests only one thing. The ambient temp in the room was less than 10 degrees. I honestly dont know what the ambiant temp of the room was but when i first went in the room it didnt feel that cold. One thing is for sure that the temp increased over the 2 hour duration from both the PC and central heating radiator. Does coolant have any effect on water and ambient temp, i use an alphacool UV liquid.
The only way to be sure is to take the temp of the room and re run the test and see what the results are. If i get chance tonight i will do and if not it may be tomorrow or wedensday. I have to buy a thermometer first though.
its no biggy lol!

No, the most common misconceptions are...

1) The fluid, it makes no difference what you use unless you use something like milk
2) The size of res makes no difference to the ultimate temp, just takes your water longer to get to the temp it'll end up at, there's a slight difference if you had a res with a huge surface area but negligable
3) Physics makes it impossible to ever be below ambient, even if you could you'd end up making condensation which would trash your pc

thats about it, oh and don't put your pc in a fridge, the fridge would break.
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