Watercooled Case Gallery

So, decided to rebuild my Li-Li V2000B watercooling loop. It's a nice case and I've had it for ages but as it's an old case the cable management features are pretty much non existent so decided to have another crack at it.

I have also added a 160 rad to the rear, an XSPC D5 pump in series and I've linked up all the fans to be pwm controlled.








Fittings are 7/16 XSPC and hose is 3/8 XSPC clear (yes - I ordered the wrong size hose - it fits, it's just bloody tight - I'll re-do the hose later in the year when I can get some Mayhems Lime pastel :-) ). Fluid is Mayhems UV Yellow/Lime.

Oh and now I want to cut a window in the bottom of the panel now it's much tidier!
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My WC rig finally fully built :) Here's a few pic's






I took my time building this one and went with a fairly "minimalistic" and smart approach. I'm very happy with it. Also runs like a DREAM ! :D

Idle temps of my 2500k @4Ghz 26c and the GTX Titan at 25c. Need to get some benchmarks going will most likely do them next weekend though.
Adsta, are you using an external psu for your fans?.

I have an external rad setup made up with an external psu but i'm saving it for when i go matx.
No they go into the case. On the second to last picture there is the blue lead which goes up through IO plate that is a 3-1 way extension lead for the fans which then take it into the case. I then have another extension lead which takes them to the fan controller at the front of the case. They are Scythe gentle typhoons so only need the 3 pins to power and control them. They are normally grey coloured but I sprayed them black because I didn't like the grey :p

I did think about getting an external fan control unit. But the Lamptron FC5 I have is pretty darn good. I can control the 3 fans from it (granted they all stay at the same speed but that's fine) plus the trailing lead into the PC isn't too noticeable. I tried keeping it as tidy as possible :)
Very nice stoned, thats where that lav driving power comes from mate.:D See youve upgraded to haswell. Nice un.:)
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