How did Chelsea come out of that without 1 booking?
Ref needs a serious looking at. 2 definite penalties not given. One a piece.
Tbh Keane did himself no favors by playing fairly and trying to stay on his feet.
Are you referring to handball from the chelsea free kick?
I heard JT mention Ballcks in the post interview but I can't remember it
6 games gone anf utd have had the lions share of bad calls going their way. Might aswell pack up and give them the title. Can't believe football is resisting technology to help out in games. Then again would footy be footy without the bantre and sour grapes that follow after games like these?
the best team won thanks to fergie time ( cheers ref !)
Rio was poor today but not as poor as Foster, he wont be at United for long makes to many mistakes
Anyone else see Bellamy slap the fan who ran onto the pitch ? After the stewards had grabbed the guy? Could be in trouble for that!
I'm sure myself and others would love to hear these bad calls. Not including todays incident.
The only one I can think of is the penalty against Arsenal although it is hardly a bad decision. They are given just as many times as they are not.
A yes the gunners penalty something which was stone wall but in your eyes could have gone both ways