Weekend Football Thread *spoilers*

None taken. I'll happily support him when/if he wins a lifetime achievement award because he thoroughly deserves it for what he's done in the sport but this award's based on the calendar year and I don't think he's done anywhere near enough to win it this year.

This calendar year he has deserved it, he's led Man Utd to a third successive title, his 11th equalling Liverpool's long held record. Aged 36 he's enjoying what will be the twilight of his career in excellent fashion. I don't expect rival fans to see what he does week in and week out, unless you watch all our games, highlights on MOTD haven't done him justice. He has been the centre of everything good we've done this year, every forward movement.
This calendar year he has deserved it, he's led Man Utd to a third successive title, his 11th equalling Liverpool's long held record. Aged 36 he's enjoying what will be the twilight of his career in excellent fashion. I don't expect rival fans to see what he does week in and week out, unless you watch all our games, highlights on MOTD haven't done him justice. He has been the centre of everything good we've done this year, every forward movement.
Fair point :)
Looks to me like bunch of re-dialling Utd supporters needed to feel they'd at least come away from the weekend with something positive :D
You need to open your eyes if you think Fergie has no class. It's also funny how you make a hypocritical statement about Fergie when Wenger does the very same things... 'constantly ranting and giving officials an earbashing when things aren't going exactly how he has planned them'.

I don't remember the last time I heard Wenger going ballistic at an official because there wasn't enough Fergie Time at the end of regulation time. Nor do I think Wenger has been giving a game ban for a while. What a nice chap that Fergie is.
Not long now until he's Sir Ryan Giggs of Swinton.

Which is where I also hail from - I went to same school(s) and played at the same junior football team as him (Dean's). Quality player, role model etc... Sir Ryan when he retires, aged 38 I reckon :D
I don't remember the last time I heard Wenger going ballistic at an official because there wasn't enough Fergie Time at the end of regulation time. Nor do I think Wenger has been giving a game ban for a while. What a nice chap that Fergie is.

You made a hypocritical statement about a rival manager when your own manager is guilty of the very same things you accuse Ferguson of. Wenger has went ballistic at officials. Just because you can't remember the last time it's happened doesn't mean he's never done it. And so what if Wenger hasn't been given a game ban for a while? Ferguson has and he deserved it. What's your point exactly? Apart from being hypocritical about your own statement.

If we want to talk about class and tact then take a look at Fergie. He is constantly ranting and giving officials an earbashing when things aren't going exactly how he has planned them. That man has no class whatsoever, people need to look around instead of having closed eyes when their own team or manager does something but then make a hypocritical statement when an opposing player or manager does the same thing.
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Tad ott. The system is designed to get the best out of our best players; Gerrard, Torres and Masch in particular. Unfortunately we've not been able to play those players in that system enough this season.

The biggest problem with the 4-2-3-1 is that it makes it difficult to have/keep strikers happy because when everybody is fit they're on the bench behind Torres.

Wait the system is designed to get the best out of Macherano, Gerrard and Torres, but they all played today and Liverpool's second half performance was embarassing(as was our first). Two teams fighting hard to stay in the top 4 and both put in a 45minute shift Burnley would be ashamed of.

But if thats what your system is set up for, how can they fail so frequently when all 3 do play? Likewise wheres the sense in playing a system to get the best out of three individuals who can't play all the time? Most managers would play a system that gets the best out of their first 11 players, or at least close to that, not 3.

I still can't believe Jakelele thinks Song is good, first half he barely got a pass right, constantly turned away from an easy pass forwards to turn backwards, lost the ball frequently, fouled frequently, gave away lots of very silly fouls when the ball was already gone.

Denilson, sheesh, absolutely ridiculous tackle on Macherano, late, high studs in and stupid. Then got incredibly lucky Johnson(fair play to him) did some quick footwork to get out of the way of a stupidly late tackle that would have been a penalty and him sent off, he did a multitude of other fouls aswell and was pushing his luck. Again offered smeg all going fowards, poor defensively, hopeless.

Arshavin is pure class but as with every key game this year our 4-3-3(4-5-1, you know it is) the front man has had little of the ball and been stupidly isolated. Yes it works against crap teams, so what. Theo, useless, Sagna, iffy, Fabregas, some moments of pure genius but no where near enough support. Nasri looked shattered and had very few good spells in the game, worked hard but he's really not shining in this system in the slightest. Traore made constant stupid mistakes, like running up to the half way line to make a tackle for no reason which led to the Torres chance he should have buried. No threat getting in behind, too easily pressured into going backwards, poor choice of passing when in the final 3rd. Don't think we had a single attack that didn't break down with him involved down that side.

Do other Arsenal fans not remember the low scoring Flamini, in comparison to Gilberto and his 12 goals one season, nor Vieira and a good 10 goals a year(before he got crap). Its funny how we used to win leagues and titles with DM's who actually knew how to pass, get forward, were able to score and could defend aswell. Song and Denilson, one/two flukey goals a year, no threat offensively, woeful defensively, such substandard players its a joke.
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Jesus, can people shut the hell up about both Fergie and Wenger, its no shock neither set of fans really loves the other team nor their manager, there is no winning. Most people can be classy when they win and bitter losers, such is life.

I've seen Wenger go into the other managers little area swearing at ref's before, and Hughes did it, likewise Hughes defended his players as Wenger has done when they've done something wrong, same as any other managers around. Personally I think it was a touch silly to not shake, its the done thing, lots of players shook Adebayor's hand after the first game, and most had far more right to feel agrieved than Wenger did with Hughes.

Likewise I find the talk of Giggs laughable, he's had as many completely anonymous games in the past 18 months as great games, more infact. Utd fans were bemoaning his awful play right up til Jan last year, because he was crap. He did step up and he was great during a tough spell that saw Liverpool go the other way, but he didn't deserve the PFA last year, wasn't anywhere near the best player over the year. His two months of decent quality were around voting time and thats what gets you the award.

Sports personality of the year, I'm happy he got it, a decent guy who never gets into trouble is the kind of person who should be rewarded for good behaviour. See no reason for Button to get it, nor Daley, Button's a smarmy git, playboy and multimillionaire. Giggs was far more worthy of that than most footballers.
Sports personality of the year, I'm happy he got it, a decent guy who never gets into trouble is the kind of person who should be rewarded for good behaviour. See no reason for Button to get it, nor Daley, Button's a smarmy git, playboy and multimillionaire. Giggs was far more worthy of that than most footballers.

See no reason for Button to get it? He was world champion this year and before you start with the best car drivel, it wasn't for the second half of the season AND (see I can capitalise words too!) his teammate had the same car and Button beat him too. Oh and Daley became world champion in his sport at 15, seems a pretty good effort!

Don't get me wrong, I think Giggs is a worthy winner but it winds me up when people talk about Button as a playboy. He might have been for a couple of years at the beginning of his career but he's matured and is one of the fittest drivers on the grid and was a worthy world champion.
Wait the system is designed to get the best out of Macherano, Gerrard and Torres, but they all played today and Liverpool's second half performance was embarassing(as was our first). Two teams fighting hard to stay in the top 4 and both put in a 45minute shift Burnley would be ashamed of.

But if thats what your system is set up for, how can they fail so frequently when all 3 do play? Likewise wheres the sense in playing a system to get the best out of three individuals who can't play all the time? Most managers would play a system that gets the best out of their first 11 players, or at least close to that, not 3.

Wow, you get more clueless everyday.

We had a poor 45mins and that's purely down to the system? As for it failing so frequently with all 3 playing, when did you dream that up? It seemed to work pretty well last season and when we first adopted it at the back end of the season before it coincided with our form massively improving too.

And yes, I literally meant this system is designed to get the best out of just Gerrard, Masch and Torres :rolleyes:

I wish Dan had quoted your Jakelele comment so that I didn't need to view your post to find out what he was talking about! Be more considerate next time please Dan.
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