With an attitude like that I can't really help you.
Man yourself up, give them a try, and get moving.
A bench will only help you do bench press, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
The workout you just posted is fine, provided you can do all those things safely.
Ok so how would this be.
This workout: (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
A1 Pistol squats - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A2 Dips - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A3 Chinups - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A4 Pushups - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a handstand pushup
A5 Inverted rows - 2-3x10-20 / 45
A6 Hanging leg raises - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -work your way up to a full hanging V-up
A7 Back extensions - 2-3x10-20 / 45 -eventually, try glute-ham raises
And my dumbbell workout on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Would that be doing to much? Should I just stick to the bodyweight workout?