Weights vs Cardio?

I know this, but the point is, most of my excess body fat is on my belly. My arms and legs are still quite thin and lean. So naturalluy I expect the fat to go from where it is in excess first.

As for weights and cardio. I find cardio extremely boring, and I know that many of you will say I need to do it, if I can get away without cardio by doing other things I will try.

As for my arms, they are rather heavy this morning :)

First thing is Diet, cut down on the carbs and eat smaller portions. If you can, cut out bread completely from your diet. If you must have bread, limit it to once per day and make sure it's homemade.

Don't do boring cardio for ages. Do some high intensity interval training. Or pick a sport you like that has lots of running. Start doing some core work, like planks. And do weights too, but, only do free weights.

Then do the simple things when you are out and about, jog up stairs instead of using an escalators. Walk faster, everything you do, do with a little more energy. If you sit down a lot at work, try to get up and move around more often.

The pounds will fall off.

(if you don't do anything else, cut out the bread.)
Some of that is good advice but demonising simple carbs (e.g. bread) is not helpful.

i am not really demonising bread. Most people have plenty of carbs in their diet without needing to eat bread at all. And most people eat processed bread, not home made.

Cutting down bread to once per day is what worked for me to lose belly fat. I had a pretty healthy diet, ate mainly home made bread, rarely eat chocolate, very active sports wise, playing basketball on a competitive level 4-5 nights a week and weights 2-3 times a week. But still had belly fat. Nothing got rid of it until i cut down on bread and within a couple of months i lost it all.

I have no problem with carbs, but, people usually eat too much bread, bread for breakfast, bread for lunch, bread for tea and then rice, pasta or potatoes for dinner.

I dont fear bread, but i was in the exact situation Ace is in, not fat, but not able to lose the belly. I dont like diets.

Cutting down on bread is very hard. But, I tried it and it worked. Anybody who has asked me how i lost my stomach fat so fast, i tell them the same thing, cut out processed bread. And it has worked for them.
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You removed an entire food type from your diet, created a calorie deficit through this and lost fat around the stomach (which is a high concentration point for adipose tissue on most men, hence why it takes getting down to the low teens of body fat % to see the abs). There is nothing magical about bread that makes it any different from other carb sources; it gets broken down into glucose and then used in various ways by the energy systems of the body.

As long as it fits with your calorie/macronutrient goals bread can't and won't have any adverse effects on body composition in a normal person. I just did an aggressive 4 week diet and fit in bread on some days when I wanted it. Helped adherence, lost weight pretty linearly. Still, anecdotes count for very little, especially in the face of metabolic ward studies and things like that. #sayyestobread
I eat mountains of bread (and pasta, and rice, and pizza, and ice cream, and beer), 5ft10 and 64kg right now, bulked up a a little too much with the swimming.
So you were fat?

Not able = not committed to.

Nope, I wasn't fat, not in the least bit. But had a belly that I couldn't get rid of.

And I was very committed to getting rid of it. Why would I keep on trying things? Some judgemental post by you though.

Heck if I was trying now, and reading the last few posts on this thread, I would have never cut down on bread at all. And that would have been a mistake.
To be fair unless you suffer from an actual medical issue meaning bread leaves you bloated and sluggish then there is no magic in cutting it out it's obviously just something that you were largely overeating possibly subconsciously and cutting it out brought your calorie intake down to the level it needed to be. It's got nothing to do with bread being some devil food.
There is nothing magical about bread that makes it any different from other carb sources; it gets broken down into glucose and then used in various ways by the energy systems of the body.

I missed your post, sorry for not replying. I know there is nothing magical about bread. But most people eat too much bread. Take in too many carbs. And it has all stemmed from that food pyramid which has been debunked.

Cut out processed bread and eat homemade bread, but just eat less of it. Most people get enough carbs from other sources.

Of course there is always going to be exceptions.
It's got nothing to do with bread being some devil food.

I agree, but, usually it's the simplest, easiest method of reducing carbs and most people do eat too much bread, like you said subconsciously. That's why cutting it out for a while is a good idea, it wakes you up and shows you how often you eat bread.

But like everything else in life, what works for some people, doesn't work for others.
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