Originally posted by MindYerBeak
Nopeski, I'm not generalising on ALL parents, just those that wear the hat, and it is, as I said, more widespread than people think. Some parents mould their children into their own image and demand they be "just like them" because of what they've been taught; they are totally selfish in their ways and want a child which is the exact replica of themselves. Their child realises the dreams and ambitions they could never achieve, hopefully in their eyes. Thus a child is robbed of his "freedom", can never be himself, but merely a reflection of his parent. This, to my mind, is the ultimate sin, to stop a child being the person he really is and modellled on your own reflection, as though a mirror image.
Thanks. Understood more now I still don't think this is the case nowadays. Maybe in the past, but certainly not anymore. Kids have much more "rights" now than they used to. If anything children aren't disciplined enough. Have you heard some of the language kids come out with nowadays And have you seen the way they treat adults? I would never have dared to speak to an adult the way some kids do. It's shocking. It all boils down to lack of discipline and apathetic parents who would rather sit their kids in front of the tv/computer than spend 'quality time' with them.
Maybe so, but I wasn't talking about serial killers. Petty criminals and thieves are a production of apathetic parents and a disfunctional society. You leave your kids to grow up how they want then they'll end up thinking it's ok to steal other people's property and duff people upA criminal is not made, he's born. A hardened criminal has been shown to have a brain different from the law abiding community. He sees no wrong in criminal activity. Similarly with a serial killer. All the smacks and insults in the world won't reform these criminals, and neither will imprisonment or the fear of death as recompense for their misdeeds.