Originally posted by Fedaykin
The main problem is... there is no way to effectively 'control' the 'level' of 'discipline' its simply not possible , parents have to use their own judgement , and sadly sometimes that judgement is pretty poor.
The only thing I can think is the government offering advice in some kind of public information format , perhaps 'how to be a good parent' leaflets in doctors surgeries and whatnot. It seems ridiculous that something like this would be neccesary , but not all parents are born with the skills..
I'm sure many parents on the forums will agree that once their first child or children are born , that from that moment on , parenting is a new and constant learning curve!
Smacking is neccesary because I guarantee , children are never really going to know whats good for them unless its drilled into them one way or another!
Smacking , is , a severe thing , either thorough a small amount of pain or a large amount of embarassment , if I caught any child of mine playing with knives in the kitchen for example , I'm not going to have time to explain to them why stabbing it in their chest isn't a good idea , i'm going to have to act swiftly and decisively and clip em round the ear to let them know what they're doing is SEVERELY dangerous , and thus warrants a SEVERE warning.
Again were back to conditioning , if htey know something 'severe' is going to happen then they won't do it again..
The only problem is , what some parents idea of 'severe' is , and that is the crux of the problem , parents need more education..