Poll: What AM4 motherboard will you be getting?

What manufacturer AM4 will you be buying?

  • Asus

    Votes: 93 33.0%
  • Asrock

    Votes: 66 23.4%
  • Gigabyte

    Votes: 81 28.7%
  • MSI

    Votes: 37 13.1%
  • other.

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
The Gskill memory seems to be best for Ryzen, I would recommend getting the 3600mhz as AMD are working on a microcode update that will support at least 3400mhz RAM, and AMD have said that Ryzen will support at least 3600mhz ram. If you're able to get to 3600mhz that would be an effective 500mhz overclock on the CPU from 2666mhz ram as the interconnect is directly linked to the memory speed and will give you significant improvements unlike on Intel chipsets where the memory speed doesn't make much difference to performance.

This video shows the performance improvements you should get with faster RAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZS2XHcQdqA

Ive gone with 2x8GB of GSkill ripjaw @3600 that is on the QVL list for memory. Although that same list says that ryzen only supports 3200. I suspect i wont even be able to post with that. If i have to run it at lower fora bit then so be it.

My boards memory list is here (mines the F4-3600C17D-16GVK)

No bios update since the 8th march
I actual did test some on the MSI X370 board and could boot into 2667MHz, but then next reboot it wouldn't come back up (d6 error or do they mean db?) The manual says no video output -.-
Then tested 2400MHz and this also booted fine but on next reboot it wouldn't come up any more (d6)
The auto-clocking (A-XMP) to 2933MHz does not boot at all (d6).
I did not change any voltages.

What really confused me:
The default setting in the BIOS does not auto-clear CMOS on a failed boot. This means you have to do it manually.
Doing it manually did not really work for me.
I left the power connected, desktop off and held the clear-cmos button for a while. Turned back on and it did some more stages, seeing more numbers on the boards display, but eventually went back to d6.
It was only until I actual removed the DIMMS, cleared CMOS, then got the NO DIMM something error. Put the memory back in and then I could boot again.

From then on I always enabled the clear CMOS on failed boot and it is much more reliable than the button.

I'll stay with 2133MHz.

I also tried the High Performance profile in Windows 10, but then it just stays permanent at 3.7GHz and runs much hotter. Balanced the CPU runs somewhere between 2100 and 4100MHz.
I enabled C6 states in the BIOS to enable core parking.
Virtualisation was also turned off, which I thought doesn't harm.

Raise your SoC voltage a little, don't go over 1.2v, but you don't need to raise it that high anyway, I had to take mine from 0.876v to 1.050v to get my ram to run at 2933mhz instead of 2133mhz, before that it was doing what you describe, sometimes it would post, other times it wouldn't and reset itself and other times it would give me all weird and wonderful errors, like it couldn't find any of the hard drives connected to the chipset only the 2 controlled by the cpu lanes.

Gigabyte motherboard by the way.
So Im doubting a lot, Im thinking on buying the X370 Killer as my max. budget, maybe the ASUS PRIME X370-PRO if only its worth more, or the Gigabyte Gaming 3 which looks like a LOT of succes on 3200 RAM speeds.Sad there isn't Gaming 3 as looks like the best too. Looking at RyMem http://rymem.vraith.com/ looks like the Killer X370 is the slowest in OC and RAM speed (Im getting the CMK16GX4M2B3200C16), so which one should I get?
Ive gone with 2x8GB of GSkill ripjaw @3600 that is on the QVL list for memory. Although that same list says that ryzen only supports 3200. I suspect i wont even be able to post with that. If i have to run it at lower fora bit then so be it.

My boards memory list is here (mines the F4-3600C17D-16GVK)

No bios update since the 8th march

The bios for my motherboard only allows up to 3200mhz too, my gskill Trident Z ram is rated higher so I've also got to wait for a bit for an updated BIOS.
Does anyone know the Biostar brand?

I've come accross a website that has some in stock. I'm just not
sure how well they compare with other major brands.
I got a message from DPD about collection location for a parcel, and the only thing I have ordered atm is from OCUK so fingers crossed for a dispatch today on my TaiChi!

edit: damn thought it was the taichi but looks like its a set of flush cutters for doing custom cables :(
Hello mans ones more time :)
And I still want sort out for what we need for external BCLK generator on AM4 motherboards. I'm not experienced overclocker :D so i would ask stupid questions. At begin I was thinking that with ext clock gen I can overclock memory by bus frequency and increasing bus frequency won't affect PCI_E, sata etc. But after reading Taichi review I'm not sure. Reviewers said that they can't go above 106Mhz due to stability problems with PCI-E.
Please help me understand how it works. If we want overclock memory by bus frequency it affects all another onboard devices independently from ext clock gen is there or not, am I right (I hope no)?
I ask these questions becaus on AM4 boards only top motherboards have BCLK generator, so if there no differences about bus frequency oveclocking so maybe I'll choose more cheaper mobo.
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