What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

37 next month.

FIFA 16, BF4, Project Cars, H1Z1 (BR mode), Mad Max and Dying Light have taken up most of my gaming time past year or so. All that stops when Fallout 4 arrives.
40 - Nothing's really changed gaming wise over the last 10 years. Can't be bothered with anything that requires "power gaming".

My main obsessions for the last few weeks/months are...

Dragon Age Inquisition - Dunno why, the main plot is awful, but I'm levelling numerous characters for the DLC.
Crusader Kings 2
KSP - Though my PC is struggling with the number of mods and concurrent missions.
Just turned 30 and still playing a bit of everything, still love gaming but my tastes are slowly changing.

It used to always be about MMO's and FPS's and although i still play them i am more into tactical, rpg's and so on now.
Still playing pretty much everything I used to play, just not as well :) Current favourites though are Payday 2, TF2, Killing Floor 2 and weirdly getting into CS:GO a lot more these days.
Finished Last Lighty off again, may start GTA V, but im leaning towards Bioshock at the minute 'Im Andrew Ryan...', as never done much of it the last time i played. :p

Decided to start Evil Within again, as didn't get very far into it before, only got to Chapter 3, which ive now surpassed :p

War Thunder whenever I can, particularly enjoying tanks for a quick bash. If I have more time then I jump in the aircraft. Unfortunately I'm not really finding enough time to get into strategy games like I used to, I really miss Men of War in particular, would love to play Assault Squad 2. I bought it just to show the developer some support since I enjoyed the original so much, just haven't touched it! Also the Wargame series AND I just bought Ashes of the Singularity. :/
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I have phased in and out of gaming over the years, for some reason lately decided to go for it again after buying a gaming PC,
still like COD stuff but have decided to give flight sims a good bash and just bought an X52 pro and looking at FSX and ED,,, for some reason and i just cannot let go, every time i get a pc I load up the original FARCRY, as i can never remember finishing it each time pmsl
Finished GTA V, playing War Thunder, and World of Warships if i want a little rumbling, Divinity Original Sin when i have more time. Waiting for Star Citizen.

Heroes of Might and Magic 7, Elite Dangerous, Divinity Original Sin, Civ 5. Sadly with wife in the frame, jobs an responsibilities I don't have as much time to blast through games so I like longer-paced games now that I can easily jump in and out of

Although I do still have a monthly Quake session :D
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