What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

43 - Played wow for way too long, been clean from that for a long time. Prefer some quick fix stuff these days or simulation.

World of Warships + Tanks
War Thunder
DCS World
Farming Sim 2015 ( I know !!)
Kerbal Space Program
Take on Mars
Just Cause 2 with multiplayer
Just turned 40 and currently playing Mortal Kombat X, Shovel Knight and Uncharted Collection.

Waiting for Doom, Fallout 4 etc.

Shovel Knight any good?

It seems to have rave reviews and I played it for half hour or so but never really got into it.

Worth persisting with I guess?
Currently playing another run through of Fallout New Vegas.

The arrival of my son has put all multiplayer on hold I need a "Pause" option! to be honest it has put most of my gaming on hold but try and get a few hours in a week when possible.

Edit: 35 years old
63 and Counting

I'm having a blast with the following:

Mad Max
Flight Sims (FSX and Prepar3d)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (Brilliant)
and lots lots more incl Call of Duty Black Ops III
I've just started Tomb Raider, as have had it in Steam library for ages but never played.
Just over 5 hours in, but it seems a really fun game to me. I'm a bit of a sucker for games that have generic things to collect round a map...
Don't have the time to dedicate to multiplayer. I play Quakeworld FFA occasionally as it is easy to dip into.

edit: secretly looking forward to playing games with my son in a couple of years. Might dust off the Wii when he gets to 5 or so... :)
38 yesterday and due to having an awesome wife got the following-

Xbox one elite controller
Assassins creed syndicate
Until Dawn
Starcraft 2 HOTS

I'm also 30+ hours into Fallout 4 so I'm all set for games for the next 6 months :D

I tend to play most games that come out except COD to be honest
I think you'll get second behind Citeh with all honestly. Injuries will be cruel on your squad unless Arsene spends big in Jan

Anyway I'm a Toon fan I'd take 4th in a heartbeat :D

Toon fan here as well and I'd take 17th now if I could. Been watching them for 28 years and Im struggling to think of a worse time than now. I'm all for giving credit where its due but to give Vardy a standing ovation while we getting beaten is embarrassing :o
JUST over 40,

- Fallout 4
- Star Wars Battlefront
- Mad Max
- Company of Heroes
- Plus a whole host of other uncompleted games to play.

Fallout 4 and GTAV are my current poison. The only thing that's really changed as I've gotten older is I tend to play more single player stuff now, years ago it was all online games only for me.
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