What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Playing a fair few at the moment , some of them on PS4 .

But playing.

Doom 2016 , Far cry 4 , Ass Creed syndicate , Battleborn , Battlefield Hardlines and 4 , Last of US multiplayer , Witcher 3 , Fallout 4 , Newest Batman , MGS 5 , Plus a few others...
Started Wasteland 2 Director's Cut, enjoying it so far, atmospheric, well written and quite challenging on the higher difficulties.
Spent a bit on games recently ...

1. totalwar warhammer - got bored quite quickly.
2. HOI 4; same thing; AI is too easy
3. necropolis - its ok; not worth the price thou; they should have included more characters etc.
Just started playing Black Desert, i have no idea what im doing but its quite fun. Its a bit like WoW but with Diablo3 play style for the melee character that i play at least.

Havent tried any pvp yet, just lvling up atm.
Been playing the Uncharted series on the PS4 recently which I've just finished. PC-wise I'm kinda in limbo waiting for WoW Legion and BF1.
Play and run an Ark survival server with my kids, BF4 still gets some love, World of Warships and trying to get into Star Citizen but its very in depth, I do like a pick up put down game these days lol. Did dl Evolve the other day seeing as its free to play now had 1 quick play seemed ok but not got much longevity I think.
Just crossed 300 hrs into The Division (steam says 659 but I don't believe it). Will stick with the Division until No Mans Sky is released.

Having sold my PS4 and still around 10 days or so before my pc comes is painful.
Not played a game for a week now and bored!

Cant wait to play Arma 3,DayZ and Battlefield 1 when it's out (well th open beta late August to!)
Still dabbling on Doom, enjoyable game.

I'd really like to get into Arma 3/DayZ as I've been watching videos online and it looks right up my street but seems quite an involved game and I don't have a great deal of time these days.

Anyone into Arma3/DayZ let me know if it's possible to get into with 1/2 hour to an hour here and there?
StarCraft 2 (yes still, its a great game!)
Total War : Warhammer (bought a new graphics card for it)

And lots of my old games still as I like revisiting them, like C&C Generals, various Sim City games, Doom3, Duke Nukem Forever (yes its purile, but I like it), Serious Sam. And Carmageddon 2 if I can ever get it working!
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