What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

I stay away from multiplayer games these days, but will play any of the other popular titles. I do find myself opting for the shorter gaming experiences these days though as I struggle to commit serious time to games like I used to.

Play the witcher 3 , please play the witcher 3 , please please please play the witcher 3, u will not be let down, just play the witcher 3

u gotta play it from the start tho.
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Only just turned 30 so I now qualify for this thread :D

Mainly play Diablo 3 with a few friends, Started playing The Division and I'm also in the middle of Dragon Age Inquisition.
55 here kind of lost at the moment played wow for years moved to eve for 5 yrs left that to play

elite dangerous.......moved onto

x-rebirth....in limbo now

hearts of iron 4 and stellaris getting bored with them too

battlefield 1 looks good so may just chill till then
Just as an aside, as I get older, I'm less inclined to play anything online that involves reaction speed. I'm much happier with turn based stuff.

I can play the likes of XCOM online and beat most people. Stick me in something with fast reactions and complex controls and I fall apart. I can't play beatemups for the life of me anymore. I've got Injustice and loved playing it for the single player story. I can't do it online though. My reaction times are just shot. :(
My tastes have changed dramatically and after finishing Witcher 3, the Souls games and Bloodborne, I find myself at a loose end.

I'm awaiting two games really. Forza Horizon 3 and Planet Coaster and those should keep me going for some time.

Having said that, I like the look of I Am Setsuna which is out on tuesday. Japanese inspired RPG with what sounds like a beautiful soundtrack. Think I'll give that one a go.
Planetside 2 (while it CAN be a bit "twitch shooter" I find it allows enough for the "thinking man" to play tactically and do well - ambushes, sneaky play/etc, I still do "ok" in a firefight too :p), divinity original sin (plays nicely with a mate and beers, one "the missus" could get into in many peoples cases I'd think), some deus ex HR (directors cut ready for the next one), warhammer total war, xcom2. There's quite a bit tbh... depends what you're into. The only genre I can't get into is MOBA.
I'm waiting for the last DLC for fallout 4 to drop too to replay some of that, then maybe some skyrim re-mastered later in the year.

I'm 36.

ooooo for something that feels VERY old school, twitchy but without too much depth/etc (good for an hour to kill with only a crap PC for access): www.Vertix.io
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Doom here. Really enjoying it as it takes me back to the original. It really does feel like an updated Doom rather than the godawfulness that was Doom 3. I've also spent a lot of time on Fallout 4. I'm keeping an eye on Battlefield 1 as it seems a lot more like Battlefield 2 than the CoD style follow ups.
Nothing really at the moment

I mess around a bit with Warframe, star citizen, the odd game on my PS4.

I played Destiny a fair bit and enjoyed that till I couldn't take any more of Bungies stupidity, I enjoy the total war games but they are a bit too easy, Football manager can take up my time ever now and again.

Nothing is really grabbing me at the moment.
Got bored of fallout4 and didn't really get into doom.

Been playing quite a bit of CSGO the last few weeks.
I'm not as good as I was ten+ years ago but I'm enjoying it.
Just played Metal Gear Solid 5 for 3-4hrs.

Just wow. I have not been gripped by a game, film or whatever like that for many a moon.

It's astounding!

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Taking over GTA one millenial at a time.

Doom was fun, worth the experience imo. It's a trip. Even though I don't usually play games that I already know I won't continue playing after finishing the single-player. It will be nice to re-play it every year or so.
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