Got to ask, its not a troll but a serious question - if you are with a boyfriend / girlfriend / wife / husband etc why do you partake in Valentines day at all?
Valentines day is for secret admirers to let you know that they are there, without mentioning names so you will not know who has that 'crush' on you - whats the point if you have been together for several months / years and even married....I think you will know by then that they quite like you.
Like I said earlier in the thread, my wife and I do not do anything different on Valentines day than we do on every other day of the year. We still love each other, we still cuddle up on the sofa to watch TV or chat over the day and we have a nice meal, as normal.
Why don't we do anything, well apart from the obvious chocolates / flowers / set restaurant meals double in price (at least), we don't think that doing something special for a single day makes a lot of difference - we do it every day anyway, what makes that day special?
Okay, if we were single we would probably think differently and if I was trying to hook up then the vomit inducing slushy cards and obligatory chocs / flowers / etc may come into play.
But I am not, as are many of you, so why line the pockets of greedy card / chocolate / flower sellers on a single day - why are you not showing love and affection every day?
Just to clarify I have been with my wife for 12 years now including the dating, engagement and married bits, so I am not still in the 'honeymoon' period of everything. I just enjoy who I have with me so show that as often as I can. It doesn't take much time out of a day to spend a bit of time with your partners
I suppose the worst side of this is you could spend, possibly, a fair wedge of cash and have a real crappy night out - packed noisy restaurant, dark chocs when (s)he likes the milk ones or expensive flowers that die the next day.
Not the night you would like to remember.
I am not poo-pooing everyone having a romantic night but why does everyone have to do it on a single day just because some card company (I know at the root of all this a card company invented this stuff!) thought it would be a good way of making some extra wedge.
Either way - hope you all enjoy the night with your other halves, like I said - I was just interested in why everyone 'does' Valentines day.