What are your bad driving habits ?

At this moment in time, drive like a moron when I am angry.

For instance, someone asked for a lift home today with loads of complex instructions about where I should wait and when I should get them back by, not a please or thankyou for this. Then I wait for 45 minutes and they never show up. I find out that they got the bus instead when I was parked about 20 yards away and never told me and have not replied to my phone calls. Needless to say drove home pretty miffed like a bat out of hell down country lanes. :(
here's my little list:

1) I don't tend to let people in at side roads etc especially if I've just spent 20 minutes waiting in the queue! Police, fire, and the casualty lot always will though.
2) I don't speed 30 in a 30, 40 in a 40, etc. MPG is more important to me the MPH. annoys the hell out of the bmw/merc crowd.
3) I'm very very good at roundabouts. I wont take prisoners either so I'll just jump on when I can and go from there.
4) I like annoying bmw drivers. If there is a queue I need to do I will always push infront of the bmw... funny how they don't like their own medicine.
5) I undertake middle lane tools. why oh why should I make the round trip to the fast lane and back to go past numpty middle lane hog?
6) anyone who sits on my tail gets to learn that cars slow down when feet are removed from the loud peddle.
7) I get really annoyed when people chuck trash from their cars so I tend to report them when I can. Recently followed a builds truck while they emptied half of the local tip out of their windows on to the road. :mad:
1) using only a finger on the steering wheel while on the motoway

2)Go faster, when chavs run out into the road playing chicken.

3) break the NSL when conditions allow

4)showing my anger at morons who drive at a steady 40mph down a NSL road slowing me down, and then continue to go 40mph through the 30mph village.

Constantly do the bad side of a ton on NSL roads...
Dump the clutch regulary and do timed 0-60 runs from traffic lights...
Overtaking cars doing what I deem to be to slow for the road.
I drive over any roundabout without a kerb.

And more probably :p
I never let SUV's out of junctions but i will allow white vans etc out.
I will happily speed on country roads i know and motorways.
Use understeer as a method to work my way out on some roundabouts.
Probably brake later then i should.
1) Driving one handed, always
2) Driving one handed, always with the other hand on the handbrake
3) Driving one handed, always, with the other hand on the handbrake, whilst driving too fast

oh, and I always have to be going faster than the car in front. So if they speed up too 100mph, I want to be doing at least 105mph.
My main one has to be driving as fast as I can on any road, basically just put my foot down until I can't go any faster.

If I give way to someone when there are cars on either side of the road and they don't thank me I start get p'ed off and drive up their rear and if safe to do so, I'll overtake them.

I also get wound up if someone pulls out on me and then drives slower than what I want to do, so if you see point number 1, you'll know this is a bad thing.

If someone is half stuck out a turning waiting to pull out, I won't stop for them, they'll have to wait for me to pass or they can crash into me and wait for the insurance claim.
1) Breaking the speed limit regularly - especially on NSL and motorways.
2) Occasionally driving with my knees "controlling" the steering wheel - to test my knee skillz...
3) Try NOT to break when approuching traffic or junctions by slowing down just with gears....In an automatic. I tend to get very close to the car infront before I "give up" and brake.
Using "Sport" mode too much in my car.

Reversing "blind side" with my artic....

Reading A - Z whilst driving said artic...

Making Tea whilst driving artic...

The list goes on..... :o
I live my life a quarter mile at a time.

surprised that quote hasnt made it into a two page thread ;)
Quantic said:
Riding the clutch round corners!
:o :o This scares me

Only bad traits I can think of:
1) I will tail someone with my full beams on if they've just cut me up or endangered my life.
2) I speed on everything but 30mph roads, but not excessively, usually just to get to the optimum mpg revs :rolleyes:
3) Driving along the motorway with my hands at the bottom of the wheel

My pet hate is when I'm in the car with my father and he leaves braking to the absolute last second - it's just pointless.
* Only one hand on the wheel.
* Traffic light grand prix
* Undertaking (only on lane hogs after waiting about a mile to get past on a clear road)
* Constantly driving at the highest possible speed that I think I can get away with if a cop were to see me.
* Not adjusting my speed enough for bad weather.
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