What book are you reading...



25 Jan 2005
Blood Meridian by McCarthy, it's actually the first book I've read by him and I really enjoyed it, the contents of the novel were pretty brutal and graphic, but really hammer the atmosphere and life of america at that time I think.
8 Jan 2007
Cognac, France
I've recently finished the first of the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson - it was ok, felt like it was aimed at young adults though. I don't think I'm going to read the other two books even though I bought the boxset.

Now reading Neuromancer by William Gibson.
8 Jan 2007
Cognac, France
Just finished The Alchemist.

Read it in one sitting until 3am, what a fantastic book. Very rarely do I read a book tat effects me but this will be one, I found it a profound read and put forth some messages that really hit home with me in a great story too. Beautiful stuff and would recommend it to anyone, thanks to the person in this thread who brought it up so I could read it!!

Paulo Coelho?
5 Nov 2009
The home of Rugby League
I've recently finished the first of the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson - it was ok, felt like it was aimed at young adults though. I don't think I'm going to read the other two books even though I bought the boxset.

Now reading Neuromancer by William Gibson.

I bailed out halfway through the second in the trilogy. I didn't like the young adult nature. I'm feeling the same way with Half a King too.
18 Oct 2002
Royston, Herts
I’ve just finished “The Extinction game” by Gary Gibson. It’s an interesting premise. A guy called Jerry is the last human being on Earth following a viral outbreak. After surviving for years alone he suddenly finds boot prints outside his house. Suddenly he finds himself in a parallel universe where he is tasked by a shadowy group called The Authority with collecting info and weapons from other ‘alternates’ that are undergoing or have experienced apocalyptic events. It’s quite a fun read and has some nice ideas in it. There are elements at the end of the book that would make for an awesome sequel. Those reminded me of some of the hints in the Lost Fleet saga.

I’ll be searching out other Gibson works to peruse for fun.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
This Explains Everything.

Bunch of the world's smartest people describing their favorite simple and elegant theories of how the world works. Some are a paragraph, others a couple of pages. Most are fascinating, some are way beyond my level of understanding, and a couple are kinda dumb. Great book to read on the bog or for a quick read before turning off the light.
17 Jan 2005
Just finished The Martian, I was convinced to read it after Adam Savage mentioned it and raved about how good it was and even Chris Hadfield approved.
What an incredibly good book, I would have been on the edge of my seat if I wasn't walking to work when listening to it
I really liked the way that the science was real and all the fixes and bodges he made were things you could work out yourself.

I'm looking forward to the film now :)
25 Mar 2004
Hmm outta stuff to read, any good series recommendations to get my teeth stuck into?

A good sample of the stuff I've read to date:

Wheel of Time
Malazan books
Game of Thrones
Sword of Truth
Mistborn Trilogy
Way of Kings (books 1 and 2 anyway)
First Law books + standalone ones
Night Angel trilogy (Brent Weeks)
Broken Empire (Mark Lawrence)
Painted Man (Peter Brett)
Nights Dawn Trilogy (Peter F Hamilton)
Riftwar + Empire trilogies (Raymond E.Feist)
Belgariad books (David Eddings)
Just finished reading The Martian :)
18 Feb 2007
Hmm outta stuff to read, any good series recommendations to get my teeth stuck into?

A good sample of the stuff I've read to date:

Wheel of Time
Malazan books
Game of Thrones
Sword of Truth
Mistborn Trilogy
Way of Kings (books 1 and 2 anyway)
First Law books + standalone ones
Night Angel trilogy (Brent Weeks)
Broken Empire (Mark Lawrence)
Painted Man (Peter Brett)
Nights Dawn Trilogy (Peter F Hamilton)
Riftwar + Empire trilogies (Raymond E.Feist)
Belgariad books (David Eddings)
Just finished reading The Martian :)

If you liked Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy you could try his Lightbringer series although there is still one more book to be written.

I notice your list of recently read material doesn't include Scott Lynch's Gentleman ******* series ; again this isn't complete yet but worth reading in my opinion.

Other stuff worth considering : Daniel Abraham's The Long Price Quartet series or his Dagger and the Coin series, Jim Butcher's Dresden Files ( thanks to others on this thread for pointing this excellent series out to me ) and if you want a bit of sci-fi have you read Dan Simmons' Hyperion books ?

I'm currently reading Anthony Ryan's Raven's Shadow trilogy ( one book still to be written ) and enjoying it immensely.

Hope this gives you some ideas - plenty of stuff out there !
25 Mar 2004
I would suggest David Gemmell or maybe The Witcher books (Andrzej Sapkowski).

Ah forgot to include I have read a lot of Gemmell, I really like him for a simple hero writing style, really easy to read his books. May check out the Witcher books but not that keen on the games personally.

Could try Glenn Cook "The Black Company" series. Steven Eriksen regularly refers to him as one of his biggest influences. Good little series.

This is another thing I have read but forgot to include in my list lol! I really enjoyed the black company books too, reminded me a lot of the Malazan books. Would recommend to anyone else as well.

If you liked Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy you could try his Lightbringer series although there is still one more book to be written.

I notice your list of recently read material doesn't include Scott Lynch's Gentleman ******* series ; again this isn't complete yet but worth reading in my opinion.

Other stuff worth considering : Daniel Abraham's The Long Price Quartet series or his Dagger and the Coin series, Jim Butcher's Dresden Files ( thanks to others on this thread for pointing this excellent series out to me ) and if you want a bit of sci-fi have you read Dan Simmons' Hyperion books ?

I'm currently reading Anthony Ryan's Raven's Shadow trilogy ( one book still to be written ) and enjoying it immensely.

Hope this gives you some ideas - plenty of stuff out there !

Thanks a lot for all of the suggestions, much of what you said is new to me so that will give me something to work with :)

I have just finished the 2nd book of the Raven's Shadow books and am also enjoying them immensely. Dat cliffhanger though!

I tend to have a book on the go at all times, so I can find myself getting through them quite quick.

Before I got any replies I really needed something so I picked up The Fatherland by Robert Harris after looking back over the last few pages, looks interesting with a different spin on history (Nazi's win WW2). My fav books are usually sci-fi or fantasy so will check out Hyperion for the sci-fi elements. If anyone has not read the Nights Dawn books I can recommend them, really good.
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24 Mar 2012
Finished Neal Stephenson and George Jewsbury's Interface last night in bed before I went to sleep. Definitely the best I've read so far out of the three (Snow Crash and Zodiac being the other two). And even the ending didn't come on like a sledge hammer. It was all brought to an end smoothly and completely. Really good look at all the ******** that surrounds the American political campaigning system.

The Diamond Age is his next book I have, so I'll be starting that in the next day or two. But I'm more looking forward to the book after, Cobweb, which sees Stephenson working with Jewsbury again.
21 Apr 2003
South North West
I've just finished Abercrombie's 'The Heroes' and enjoyed it a lot... though now I've realised it's book 2 of 3 I'm a bit annoyed with myself.

I had a rough start with the First Law series, and struggled to warm to his world and characters
I still find Bayaz and that side of things unsatisfying.
But the 'Named Men' side of his world is solid, gritty and 'real' in a way many authors never manage to capture.

Now trying, again, to get into Suarez's 'Daemon'. It's highly recommended but I keep bouncing off it.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Another fan :), I need to find some more books to read. I have lots of science/history stuff. But running out of fiction. Generally alternate, one then the other.
24 May 2009
North East
Glaucus try having a look at Andrez Bergen, I randomly found his books and they are a great read.

Bit noir/gritty/dystopian/Casablanca (and that era) tribute into a weird but wonderful mix. His first "Tobaco Stained Mountain Goat" is glorious. I read his third second by mistake "Who is Killing the Great Capes of Heropa" which was possibly even better. I'm now about to read his second which sounds great too.

Couldn't recommend highly enough.
18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
Hmm outta stuff to read, any good series recommendations to get my teeth stuck into?

A good sample of the stuff I've read to date:

Wheel of Time
Malazan books
Game of Thrones
Sword of Truth
Mistborn Trilogy
Way of Kings (books 1 and 2 anyway)
First Law books + standalone ones
Night Angel trilogy (Brent Weeks)
Broken Empire (Mark Lawrence)
Painted Man (Peter Brett)
Nights Dawn Trilogy (Peter F Hamilton)
Riftwar + Empire trilogies (Raymond E.Feist)
Belgariad books (David Eddings)
Just finished reading The Martian :)
Your list looks like my Kindle :p

Ones I have read that aren't on your list :

Black Company - Glen Cook (10 books)
Codex Alera - Jim Butcher (6 books)
Kingkiller Chronicles - Patrick Rothfuss
Psalms of Isaak - Ken Scholes (4 books plus a mini-book)
Takeshi Kovacs trilogy - Richard K Morgan
The Ties that Bind trilogy - Rob Hayes
Traveler's Gate trilogy - Will Wight
The Ashes Saga - Edward Knight (2 books and counting I believe)
Enders Game/Ender's Shadow series - Orson Scott Card
The Mongoliad Cycle (about 15 authors :p)
Prince of Nothing / Aspect Emperor Trilogies - R Scott Bakker

I'm wondering what next as well, going to start on the Void trilogy at some point I think but re-reading the Psalms of Isaak series before I start as it was pretty good. Also maybe Weapon of Flesh Trilogy - Chris Jackson. The first book gets fairly average reviews but the second two get very strong reviews so looks like quite a good series overall.
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