What book are you reading...

7 Jul 2003
oh I do like to be beside the seaside
I am almost finished the first Tom Clancy book I have ever read after being recommended it after a conversation with someone at work.

Red Storm.

Tbh I'm not sure about it but I'd like to give his writing another chance. Are there any other books of his I should check out, preferably a stand alone book, rather than a series.

I can't think of other Tom Clancy novels that aren't in a series, the Jack Ryan books are very good though.

You could look at Larry Bond, he co-wrote Red Storm Rising.
There's Red Phoenix, Vortex and Cauldron.
8 Apr 2009
Yep Larry Bond is ok. And if you like that kind of stuff then check out Andy Farman.

I've just finished 'The Skull Throne' by Peter Brett. I really enjoyed it and I love the series. I know a lot of people don't like this last book but I thought it was good even if he will never better the first one in the series.
24 May 2009
North East
Finished second R Scott Bakker book The Warrior Prophet what a ******* tremendous series. For all you Abercrombie, Martin, Lawrence, Cook and especially Eriksen fans read these books. Dark, gritty, uncompromising, unforgivingly deep and complex (without quite reaching Book of the Fallen standards) a fantastic read. His characterisation and the personal side could perhaps be a little stronger but that's quibbling, Kellhus, Cnuair and Achmain are all great inventions. If anything at times he is too bleak and misses the human element, the ability to laugh in the face of tragedy or danger and instead just pounds you. Read these books!

I also tried reading the first Adrian Tchaikovsky book Shadows of the Apt basically everything I dislike in fantasy. His world building is fascinating but far to vanilla and crams in so many cliches in the first half a book I wanted to cry. Just generic, bland fantasy despite his interesting tilt on things.

Got the third R Scott Bakker book to read now, he's really invigorated my reading this year (first 2 books in a month) as I was struggling to read much at all this year before finding his books.
19 Dec 2006
I am almost finished the first Tom Clancy book I have ever read after being recommended it after a conversation with someone at work.

Red Storm.

Tbh I'm not sure about it but I'd like to give his writing another chance. Are there any other books of his I should check out, preferably a stand alone book, rather than a series.

I've always had an issue with Clancy's books where they go into far too much political and 'boring' unneeded detail, Rainbow Six is by far the best book of his I've ever read as it avoids almost all of his normal style that puts me off and can happily be read on it's own, I've no idea if it's even part of a series.
9 May 2005
I've always had an issue with Clancy's books where they go into far too much political and 'boring' unneeded detail, Rainbow Six is by far the best book of his I've ever read as it avoids almost all of his normal style that puts me off and can happily be read on it's own, I've no idea if it's even part of a series.

I'm going to try that book, as a fan of the games. I finished Red Storm and thought it was 3/10 tbh. I was recommended it but it's paper thin in laying out a story. Probably because something as massive as the Russians taking on nato would require something along the lines of game of thrones thick books , it just felt so flimsy to me. Only one character I moderately cared about the rest was uninteresting filler. I will give him another chance.

Just started failure is not an option, hard going. So damn boring to start with but I'm hanging on in there!
6 Jan 2003
The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell
Book 2 in the Warrior Chronicles. Love Bernard Cornwells writing, and the story just flows brilliantly. Based around King Alfred and the Viking invasion. Never dull, always something interesting about to happen, I couldn't put it down. Looking forward to the next book.

Went straight onto The Lords of the North (The Warrior Chronicles Book 3), and of course it continued the story brilliantly. Resisting temptation to go straight onto the 4th book so I can try another series first. The trouble is, I can't find anything that takes my fancy.
31 May 2010
I am almost finished the first Tom Clancy book I have ever read after being recommended it after a conversation with someone at work.

Red Storm.

Tbh I'm not sure about it but I'd like to give his writing another chance. Are there any other books of his I should check out, preferably a stand alone book, rather than a series.

Or try Without Remorse, its more of a standalone book imo.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Nine Dragons, part of the harry bosch series.
finished in a whole 72hrs. love the series, getting sad that there's not to many books left though.
24 May 2009
North East
Went straight onto The Lords of the North (The Warrior Chronicles Book 3), and of course it continued the story brilliantly. Resisting temptation to go straight onto the 4th book so I can try another series first. The trouble is, I can't find anything that takes my fancy.

I loved the Sharpe books by Cronwell, got so blinking much to read at the minute but really tempted to pick this series up.
18 Feb 2006
Nine Dragons, part of the harry bosch series.
finished in a whole 72hrs. love the series, getting sad that there's not to many books left though.

Started reading the third book, The Concrete Blonde. Really enjoying the series, I only read the books for 20-30 mins on the train home from work during the week, so I'm very slowly getting through, but about a 3rd of the way into the 3rd book so far and opened first about 3 weeks ago. Should just sit and read the rest one evening, really enjoying this one.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Picked up some new books the other day.

Macbeth - One of my favourite stories of all. Read it at school for GCSE so decided to read it again at some point. Prior to the movie if I can.

Start player one - On a 'to read' list, sounds promising.

Life of pi - Watched the move again recently which was amazing. Plan to read the book to fill in gaps if there are any.

The Martian - Wanted to read before the move comes out. Currently 3/4 way through, real page turner.

The Revenant - Picked it up on a whim when I got the Martian. Again, will try to finish before the movie.
20 Mar 2004
Starting reading The Shepherd's Crown on the way home tonight, when I read "Final Discworld novel", it really hit me in the gut.

Then about 20 minutes later I got an even bigger punch in the gut. :(
14 May 2014
Just finished The Shepherds Crown.

I thought it was a lot better and more coherent than Raising Steam. You can tell it was only half finished and in need of a fair bit fine-tuning as it isn't consistent with Lords and Ladies. Not his best by a long shot but still very poignant on a number of levels.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Just finished Aurora - Kim Stanley Robinson
Our voyage from Earth began generations ago. Now we approach our destination. A new home. Aurora.

Brilliantly imagined and beautifully told, Aurora is the work of a writer at the height of his powers.

7/10 it wasn't quite what I expected, still a good read.
Big spoiler
really wanted to find out about the colonisation and terraforming and why it failed, this is what let it down imo

Now on to
Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes: A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness - Robert Kull
Years after losing his lower right leg in a motorcycle crash, Robert Kull traveled to a remote island in Patagonia's coastal wilderness with equipment and supplies to live alone for a year. He sought to explore the effects of deep solitude on the body and mind and to find the spiritual answers he'd been seeking all his life. With only a cat and his thoughts as companions, he wrestled with inner storms while the wild forces of nature raged around him. The physical challenges were immense, but the struggles of mind and spirit pushed him even further.

Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes is the diary of Kull's tumultuous year. Chronicling a life distilled to its essence, Solitude is also a philosophical meditation on the tensions between nature and technology, isolation and society. With humor and brutal honesty, Kull explores the pain and longing we typically avoid in our frantically busy lives as well as the peace and wonder that arise once we strip away our distractions. He describes the enormous Patagonia wilderness with poetic attention, transporting the reader directly into both his inner and outer experiences.
8 Nov 2013
In the pub
6 chapters into The Shepherds Crown.

Was going to put it off as his books are a huge part of my life (events, friends....missus) but figured I should just get on with it.
19 Jan 2013
Just finished : "Alan Turing, the man who knew too much." It's pretty mind boggling just trying to grasp how smart this chap was! The book was a great read, picked it up purely from watching the imination game and wanted to learn a bit more about him!

I'm due to go on holiday on Friday and I've just picked up "The Sling and The Stone" by T.X. Hammes. RET'd Colonel US Marine Corps.

I had the privilege of meeting T.X Hammes at a recent confrence, couldn't get enough of his insight to future war fighting techniques so decided to pick up one of his works.

Any millitary/millitary history books people can recommend i will be most grateful!
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