What book are you reading...

Feel like I want a zombie fix and don't even remember buying it, but found The Boy on the Bridge under my bed, never read the original Girl book though so would it be better to read that first? I know this one is a prequel and have seen The Girl With All The Gifts if that makes a difference.
Down to a Sunless Sea - David Graham. This was released in 1979 and is set in 1985 against a backdrop where the Oil has ran out in America, and other countries are running short. World tension is at an all time high. In New York, one plane takes off with a mix of Politicians, Scientists, Soldiers and Refugees to bring back to the UK. During that flight, World 3 breaks out. And the rest of the book is describing the crew's search for a place to land before the fuel runs out.

Very good read, even though it hasn't aged very well. And some of the decisions by the crew were baffling.
I read Down to a Sunless Sea when it first came out and at the height of the cold war it was pretty intense reading - Loved it :)
I read Down to a Sunless Sea when it first came out and at the height of the cold war it was pretty intense reading - Loved it :)

Yeah, it was very intense!! Nearly A whole book on the struggle against the odds to reach McMurdo base. Followed by a couple of chapters describing their settling in and planning for the future. And then the kicker!! Delivered in less than two pages. Everyone dies.

One of the baffling things was when they were on the Island and working out how to top up the plane just before take off. Two of men were lined up to do it. But Captain Scott said he wasn't leaving anyone behind. But the guys assured him that they had rigged up something to get them back on the plane in time. I was like, What?? Did the Author forget about the 200 or so other people on the Island that were going to be taking off in the other plane later on.
I just finished Mr Midshipman Hornblower, by CS Forester. A real page turner- i'm glad I bought a stack of those from a second-hand book shop.

Next is From A Buick 8, by Stephen King.
Just picked the Horus heresy series back up after a few years break. Resumed at damnation of pythons (book 32) and have just realised there are now over 50 books in the series :eek: think I might skip the anthology books and stick to main the books which progress the story.
Just started on the Mistborn series. Over halfway through The Final Empire in just a few days which is always a good sign. Sandersons writing style is great, if a touch amateurish at times. That's always been my biggest issue with so many well renowned Fantasy books, I think that's why I took to ASOIAF so quickly. Sandersons a hell of a lot better then Abercrombie though, I couldn't get more then a hundred pages into The Blade Itself.
I loved the first Mistborn trilogy. The ending is superb. When he finally finished it I'll read the next series.
TBH, that's my main issue with Sanderson. I love his books but I loathe reading series that aren't complete and he's got so many going on that he's finished very few. I know he does it to keep himself interested but it's damned frustrating.
I've never read any Brandon Sanderson as of yet. My first of his will be when I reach where he took over The Wheel of Time (currently on book 9). Are his other books quite action-packed or abit more 'ploddy' like WOT?
I'm not quite sure how to answer that. Yes things happen in all of his books, unlike quite a few in WOT :p

His series that is the most epic fantasy like WoT is Stormlight Archives, but it's much better. He writes in a number of genres though so other stuff can be very different.
Expeditionary Force: Valkyrie (book 9 of 11 so far, 15 are planned in total) - Craig Alanson

Book 1 is called Expeditionary Force: Columbus Day.

Humans vs Various Aliens.
The aliens are different races and all of them are more advanced than us. They have been at war with one another for thousands of years.
The Elders left the galaxy millions of years ago. Some of their tech still exists. One of them is an AI and he is helping the humans.
His name is Skippy and he is shaped like a beer can. He is also an a*****e.

Overall, I find the series amusing, sometimes even laugh out loud. I like the character of Skippy and his interactions with Joe Bishop, especially the 'Hold my beer' moments.
There are some serious notes in there as well. Some parts are rinse and repeat and follow the same formula. The word Awesome is also over-used.
Just finished the Faithful and Fallen series by John Gwynne, kind of enjoyed the first book or so(there are 4) but felt a bit sub par by the end. Not a great series for me.

Sanderson is fairly good, Stormlight Archive is great but you will be waiting a decade at least for that to be finished I reckon (10 books I thought). Mistborn is decent too, including the more "modern" ones with Wax. Reckoners series kind of went downhill after the first book.
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