What book are you reading...

16 Mar 2006
Just started The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie, not read a fantasy series for a while, enjoying it so far. Was on Kindle unlimited.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Have you read We by zamyatin?

I did, a very long time ago. Considered to be the origin of 1984, and the connections are obvious. One of the few bits I remember is that the people live in tower blocks where all the walls and floors and ceilings are see-through, so no-one has any privacy. Updated by Orwell to viewscreens.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
I've just finished "The Lost Metal", book 4 of the second era of Mistborn. I loved the first trilogy and was a bit hesitant about these but they're just as good. Some brilliant characters. :D
Now I find that Sanderson is planning third and fourth era series. Third in an "80s computer" era and the fourth as a space opera.
Although I'll probably die before he actually gets that far. :cry:

Now on to "On Basilisk Station", Honor Harrington book 1.

Re Honor Harrington, I really enjoyed them on the whole, but my eyes glazed over a bit at times in the later books with the descriptions of the missile combat. I think I've read most of them about 3 times now.
If this is the first time of reading, you've chosen well, the main story finally finished after about 25 years a couple of years back :)

I've been rereading Charles Stross' Laundry Files books and really enjoying them, currently up to the "Quantum of Nightmares" and taking a little break (whenever I do a long reread I tend to alternate to avoid burning out).
I just finished "The Last Astronaut" by David Wellington, which is about an odd object that has been spotted heading towards earth and the only US astronaut left (after a disaster 20 years earlier) has to lead a team to see what it actually is. This was really good, to the point where I basically read it in a couple of days, I don't want to say too much about it as it could spoil it, but I think i've found a new author to add to my watch list :)
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