What Console Should I Get

It's worth considering that you (from your sig) have an above average computer. Many of the best 360 exclusives eventually emerge on the PC, so if you have patience you'll be able to play mass effect 2/fable 2 etc without having to buy a 360.

The majority of PS3 exclusives are developed by studios owned by Sony, because of this they will never appear on the PC.

If you wanted access to the largest possible library of games between your PC and one of the consoles, i would say the PS3 is your best bet as it has more titles not available on the PC.
Resistance 2, Kill Zone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Little Big Planet are the most talked about exclusives.

and Drake's fortune, Valkyria Chronicles, GT5P, Motorstorm games.


and Resistance: Fall of Man, Warhark, Everybody's Golf: World Tour (best golf game on the planet), Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Siren: Blood Curse, R&C Future: Tools of Destruction, and WipeoutHD.


If I'm being honest I personally would buy a PS3 just for Everybody's Golf World Tour, it's that good, my favourite game on the PS3 without a doubt.
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I would say unless All your real world friends have PS3's get a 360. It's a no brainer because of the Massive back catalogue of Quality games at cheap prices & the Supreme experience that is Xbox Live.
Can't beleive how 360 biased this forum still is. The PS3 has proven itself to be a supercomputer which is superior in every way to the 360 and would be cheap at twice the price it is currently. The 360 is stuck together with blutack and it suckzors big time!!!

Its a hard one to be honest. I was in a similar situation to you. I went with the PS3 for two reasons. My PC is pretty good (built it in the last year) and most games as mentioned that come out for 360 also come out on PC. Ive got a 360 pad for my PC and being able to up the graphic levels means i get very pretty looking 360 games (with free online). The PS3 had exclusives i want to play and my mates had about a 50/50 mix of ps3/360s. Also my brother has a PS3 and it meant buying it a year later than him i could steal all his games. I do like Blu ray too and with Lovefilm not charging anymore for them over DVD means i get to watch all my films in fantastic quality. The machine syncs really well with my PC too so i can show all my photo's and music that's stored on my PC though the wireless connection on my PS3.

It really does come down to you though. Both have benefits over each other. Check out what most your mates have is a great recommendation. Playing online with friends is great and you can also borrow from their back catalog. If you game a lot on you PC though i would check to see what games you want to play that you cant play better (and cheaper) versions off on your PC.
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Look at the games and make up your own bloody mind. Seriously, why do people put big purchases like this into the hands of others.

These type of threads are just as bad as "Which console is better."
If I was making the choice today after not having bought either I'd go for the PS3. More than not having any decent exclusives this year, the 360 didn't really have any last year.

Sure there was gears 2 which was ok.

I look through my recently played games and the last two games I got that I couldn't play on the PS3 are

Mass Effect 29/01/08
Halo 3 19/10/07

In fact there's nothing in the 117 games I've played on my profile that I would really feel I'd missed out on as an Xbox exclusive. Maybe PGR.

I think to buy now if your only going to buy one get a PS3. Then if you can buy both and the 360 is cheap enough to do that now. I personally think the PS3 will have a longer lifespan now.

Peer to peer gaming and the lag on the 360 also sucks bottom.
Look at the exclusives to see which you prefer (taking into account that many 360 exclusives are on the pc and your comp is definitely good enough to run them all at higher settings than the 360). If you still can't decide then go for the 360 as it is cheaper and you don't care about blu-ray.

either, you'll have a great time playing 360 or ps3. i sold my 360 for the ps3. but im wishing i had enough money for both :) im missing out on some awesome games on the 360.
I have a 60gb ps3 and it sounds like a dyson and half the games don't run properly. It is quite suprising how Sony went from the success of the ps2 to this....they managed to mess things up all over the place.

In the last 4 months all it has been used for is final fantasy 9, a ps1 game.
Just get a 360.
i have both consoles , i use the ps3 for mainly gaming , i do also watch the odd film on it but i do have a standalone bd player for film.

ive been using my ps3 so much more than the 360 ive gone and put my 360 back in its box , both are good consoles and for gaming they really are equal ,perhaps 360 has more games but how many of them are you going to buy?

i would go for the ps3
Go for a 360.

Even though most of the games are multi platform, quite a few do look better on the 360.
And the 360 pad is leagues ahead of the PS one.

If you had said that you watch movies, i would have said PS3 though.
I've got both and couldn't have it any other way.

I was fortunate enough to win a PS3 at work, before that I wasn't interested in any of the next gen (PC gamer through and through) but the PS3 has really started gathering momentum.

I got an xbo360 a few weeks ago. Few of the big name titles, GeOW2, Halo3, Forza2.
Graphically I was a little underwhelmed, there is no doubt the PS3 has a huge advantage in graphical prowess. The games are great though, very solid titles and I am enjoying playing them all. Forza particularly.

Live is excellent albeit its paid for, PSN again is catching up. Better server support for games meaning larger lag-free games. If your an online gamer I'd definitely see the PS3 as having the advantage later on. Things like the Cross game invites can be patched in and so on. Xbox Live is a closed environment so chances are thats never going to change.

Exclusives this year. I think the ps3 is going to do quite well, lets face it you will want God Of War 3. Doesn't change the fact thats its back catalogue isn't the best. But there are enough there to play while waiting for the newer titles. e.g. MGS4, LBP, GT5P, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank and Killzone 2 will be more than enough and cover quite a few genres.

I am not going to tell you which I think you should get, I just give my opinions and you can do what you like with them.
I have a 60gb ps3 and it sounds like a dyson and half the games don't run properly. It is quite suprising how Sony went from the success of the ps2 to this....they managed to mess things up all over the place.

In the last 4 months all it has been used for is final fantasy 9, a ps1 game.
Just get a 360.

Sorry for double post but just noticed this.

Please reference the games that don't run properly. Without backing up what you say you look like a troll.

And to mention that what annoys you about the PS3 is it is loud and then you advise to get an Xbox.....somethings not right.....
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