to echo whats already been said
look at the gamelists for both, see which one has the most you like
As for the 360 being cheaper, if you plan on playing online the difference is non-concequential as you pay a subscription whereas for the ps3 you dont
What you save intially you lose later anyway
Its cumulative, the last thing i would look at is the price for that very reason if the budget is reasonably open endedYou can get a 1 year sub for around £25. Hardly a deal breaker.
Getting to use the 360 controller is worth £25 in itself in my opinion.
Once again, the above has a good PC which echos my statement that i feel the PS3 is a better choice if you already have a gaming PC.
Shut uuuuup
I have a good PC (quad core, 4870, 4GB, W7) and I still think 360 is the better console. Please don't take ONE guy's opinion as absolute confirmation.
Meh, edited it out before you posed it but i'll reply anyway, i didn't say it confirmed it i said it echoed it. By echoed i mean backed up, not that it proved my point. But then i realized all i was doing was repeating myself hence the above edit.
Current trends show that all games coming out on both are pretty much identical. nothing to indicate they'll be better on PS3.
had an eye on the ps3, hmmmm so 360 is better then from the majority of votes. any other opinions guys?