What did you do to your bike today?

going to get on it in a min and ring its neck to keep cool

I've got 10 minutes of crawling down a road there's just no room to filter on then it's going to be pinning the throttle open all the way home to feel the breeze in my beard.
**** a duck... just rode the 40 minutes home, phew!!!

I know what a boil in the bag rice feels like now! :D Like sitting with a 60mph hairdryer aimed at you! the wind doesn't really help, with it being so warm, sat at the few traffic lights on my journey willing them to turn green as I felt myself being roasted from the bike and the sun...
I bought my Tiger last September and today was the first time I understood one of the, few, complaints about the bike. Hot air from the radiator and engine gets channeled towards your thighs. Man I had hot thighs on the way home from work today and not in the good female with shorts on hot thighs.
Gave it a clean ready for tomorrows run to the raven! Looking forward to it in this weather, nice hot sticky tyres!!

Also fitted my k&n filter with a sealed air box (last time wasn't sealed due to stripped threads) and also put in some zx1 oil into the oil and tank :)
I love you lot blowing up again about the heat, I'm winding you up though which is far too easy to do :D

Yeah it is nice to go up the mountains for when I get too hot at only 30C (my flat gets roasting, it's lovely outside though) as the temperature varies hugely. I get a nasty surprise sometimes though when I go there to cool down:

Where I live has the exact same humidity levels as where I used to live in the UK, I just checked ;)

We get about 6 months of the year where the average temperature is above 20, and we get proper seasons. Intense thunder storms and rain in spring, roasting summers, uneventful autumns and snow for 2-3 months of the year. I will definitely be suffering when it hits 38 this week though.

What thread am I in again?

Anyway, my new tyres have been well and truely scrubbed in on the lovely sticky hot mountain pass roads :p
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Gave it a clean ready for tomorrows run to the raven! Looking forward to it in this weather, nice hot sticky tyres!!

Also fitted my k&n filter with a sealed air box (last time wasn't sealed due to stripped threads) and also put in some zx1 oil into the oil and tank :)

I felt up my angel GT's a good 30 minutes after getting off the bike and they were still almost too hot to keep hold of for more than 10 seconds :eek:
sign of a good run paul haha! Ill see how hot mine will get tomorrow as its always a fast pace when going there!

That was just commuting home!! The last 3-4 miles is all 30/40 limit too, so not pushing at all. I was trying to keep moving though, far too hot to be sat in traffic. I'm down in the southeast though, it's been 33 degrees here today, so god knows how hot the tarmac got, I'd guess high 30's minimum. The bike was definitely feeling down on power a little, not surprising given how hot the air is.
That was just commuting home!! The last 3-4 miles is all 30/40 limit too, so not pushing at all. I was trying to keep moving though, far too hot to be sat in traffic. I'm down in the southeast though, it's been 33 degrees here today, so god knows how hot the tarmac got, I'd guess high 30's minimum. The bike was definitely feeling down on power a little, not surprising given how hot the air is.

Bloody hell! Its been about 32ish here in the north west! I'll see how hot the tyres are tomorrow. Yeah, less oxygen in the air so less power.

Wazza, I've got a blue k3 sv650s.
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