Rode it to my brother's stricken 95 Blade, he'd puled up at a mate's place and flashed the fullbeams at him stood outside = instant death!?. With the key on, there were no ignition lights and the starter wouldn't turn. I told him over the phone that without tools it will be hard to diagnose, so made him check the basics like battery connections and the main fuse. Both o.k. so went and had a look.
First I checked the battery voltage, that was good at 13.1 so I jumped the starter relay and it turned over fine. Pulled the connector block off the starter relay, checked the fuse again, checked the in/out connections for voltage, all good so on to the main fusebox at the front of the bike.
Here things got a little more interesting, no power on the ignition 10 amp fuse. I disconnected the battery earth and checked for continuity between the 10amp ignition fuse output to the CDI, dash etc and the chassis, that was fine (i.e. no short circuit present), so reconnected the battery negative & used my cheapo sealey power probe to jump the fuse with 12v. Hey presto, ignition lights!
Checked the ignition switch continuity, that was good hmmmmm closer look at the ignition connector block and the 12v feed to the switch was good, but the black/red tracer wire male connection, from the switch to the fusebox, was
crusty creme!
Cleaned it up, all is good again.