What did you do to your bike today?

I'd feel naked without mirrors,even if I don't rely on them it's good to have them,gotta be the daftest thing ever not to have any at all
The KTM was so easy to filter through without mirrors, I do admit I touched mirrors with a white VAN once. :p On the KTM there was no point in having them, absolute garbage... Hopefully the tomok's are better, I wonder if Clovis has put his on. (A picture would be nice :p)
The KTM was so easy to filter through without mirrors, I do admit I touched mirrors with a white VAN once. :p On the KTM there was no point in having them, absolute garbage... Hopefully the tomok's are better, I wonder if Clovis has put his on. (A picture would be nice :p)

I've had them a week, of course not. :p
you should still be doing lifesavers with or without mirrors,you can never be too safe on a bike

some are useless though you can see naff all out of them:(
Hmm, noticed earlier the cover has fallen off my left indicator and gone missing and 3 of the LEDs inside have stopped working. Not impressed considering they're R&G (supposed to be good) and only had them 6 months.

I've put the orange covers on for now which actually look alright. Hopefully they will send out a replacement without having to send the broken ones back!

they were good to me regarding numberplate light;)

cant beat buying some cheap Chinese crap:p

R&G are sending out replacement pair of indicators :D

Will just replace the one and keep the other as spare.
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