What film did you watch last night?

Do you need to have seen the series to watch the film ?

Personally, i would watch the series first. It's only 12 episodes long and they're (in my opinion) way more entertaining than the film (and the film is one of my favourites. Ive seen it, literally, 60 times or more).

After watching the series, you'll know where each character came from, their history, why they make the decisions they do, or why a couple of the crew members aren't on the ship in the film... stuff like that. It's worth it.
American Beauty - haven't seen it in years and the wife recorded on Sky so we watched it last night. Forgotten just how good a film this is and Kevin Spacey is just awesome in it :D
Whiteout was abit meh from the still stunning kate beckinsdale there was also a few plot holes and some dodgey cgi in places it was an average film at best.

I have also watched Whiteout and its not a bad film, but I kept mentaly referencing John Carpenters " The Thing" all the time......... may be thats just me.!

No Country for Old Men.

Good film. Thought Javier Bardem did a great job with the villain, came across like a proper psycho.

Strange end to it though, was plodding along nicely and then, bam.... I was kind of expecting it though, I knew it wasn't going to have a "normal" ending !
District 9 and Fight Club on Blu-ray..

The PQ on District 9 is excellent.. As for Fight Club, amazing film whether it be on DVD, VHS, or Blu-ray! The PQ is so much better than the DVD and is definately worth buying again on Blu-ray.
Eagle Eye.

Dreadful. Nonsensensical story, cliched, full of the usual "ZOOM IN AND ENHANCE" techno-babble and predictible. 3/10.
One of my faavourite movies: Wag the Dog, in spectacular 720p. Old but gold! My wife hadn't seen it before and we were both utterly helpless with laughter.

Watched all these in the last week;

Hotel Rowanda: 10/10!
American History X: 9.5/10
Avatar 3D: 9/10
Into The Wild: 9/10
12 Angry Men: 8.5/10
Transformers 2: 6/10
Rayburn said:
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasey's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.

Man on Fire. Epic.

Never get tired of this film. Forced my better half to watch it :)



Zombieland wasn't as good as I remember.
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