What film did you watch last night?

The Taking of Pelham 123 - Did I miss the train, just an ordinary film that never stayed on the tracks. Why did they bother with the remake, even Washington and Travolta couldn’t save it.
Last night I watched The Grudge for the second time. I remember finding this and The Ring both very frightening, yet when I watched The Ring again recently, it wasn't so bad.

Well, I still found The Grudge to be absolutely terrifying. The plot and tension build up were inferior to The Ring, but it was just an onslaught of disturbing scenes one after another - even with advert breaks it was harrowing. I cannot say much more without giving it away, but I dare anyone to watch that by themselves with the lights down and the volume up. Easily the scariest film I have ever seen.


Do NOT WANT :eek:
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Slumdog Millionaire.
Surprisingly good, even after everyone telling me so (I never believe it until I've seen it!).
A very believable story and makes you think of how awful it must be growing up there.
The toilet scene is just plain gross :p

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Why do people bother posting in this thread with just a film title?

At least say something....
The thread title of the thread seems to be "What film did you watch last night?".

Therefore all anyone has to do to satisfy the thread post submission criterion is to mention what film they watched last night. A review or score is simply a bonus. ;)

I watched Clear and Present Danger last night.
I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning, the one with Jordanna Brewster from The Faculty, and R Lee Ermey as the villain (he is the guy who played Gny. Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket).

And that is basically exactly what the character was.

Would rate it 6 out of 10. He was brilliant in it, but it took a long while to get going.
I fell asleep with Scarface (1983) on repeat last night, now I'm stuck with 80's music in my head (not necessarily a bad thing).
How could you possibly fall asleep during Scarface.

Its probably one of the greatest movies ever made.

*sigh* Kids today :p

(just having a laugh no offence I hope)
How could you possibly fall asleep during Scarface.

Its probably one of the greatest movies ever made.

*sigh* Kids today :p

(just having a laugh no offence I hope)

No it was playing on repeat mode but I wasn't watching. I keep the TV on 24/7 and chose to leave the D.V.D. player on too. It must have played at least 10 times that day.
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Pan's Labyrinth.

Excellent film. Had no ideas what it was about, didn't even know it was in Spanish. Just heard it was one worth watching. Glad I did, was quite a moving film.
Philadelphia - first time I've ever seen it. I got hold of it because I've been on a bit of a Denzel Washington spree recently. Really enjoyed it :) Both Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington were top notch in it, but really that goes without saying.
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