What film did you watch last night?

The house at the end of the street.

Stars Jennifer Lawrence and Elisabeth Shue (CSI's Finlay). The multiple twist in this was unexpected is all I will say, It wasn't as jumpy or creepy as the trailer made out but it was an interesting thriller all the same. 7.5/10 for Lawrence :o

6/10 for the film. Predictable for the first 3 quarters until it all unfolds.
Zero Dark Thirty: the torture scenes where brutal.. wife left the room at one point! and this was after "some scenes had been cut or rewritten at the request of the agency"

9/10 - for making the wife leave the room
Watched a preview screening of Saving Mr. Banks - Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Colin Farrell, and Paul Giamatti.
It's the story of how Mary Poppins went from page to screen. Some really good performances from a very good cast. How much of it is fact or based on fact, I don't know, and it is a Disney movie about a Disney movie, so they are the "good guys" in the end, but I enjoyed it.
A solid 7/10
After Earth - 2/10

I'd heard it was bad but it's Sci-Fi so I have an obligation to watch it!

Jaden Smith needs to just stop, he does not have his father's screen presence or any kind of emotional range!
M Night Shyamalalalalalalalan - why does this man keep being given money for projects, this one didn't even have the so-called twist in it; all it came down to was ship crashes, hero-father injured, coming-of-age son has to go retrive homing beacon, nasty alien chasing him, son finds himself during journey; man it was cliched.

Just no :(
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The robot lady in that film scared the living daylights out of me when I was a kid.

2nd that, bit unnerving watching her now still.


Gravity (IMAX 3D) 9/10 ...... Best movie of the year, very tight storyline and the best 3D done in the past few years. If it doesn't win the Oscar for best visual effects it'll be a travesty ;)
Bad Grandpa

A few belly laughs and quite a few giggles followed by a fair old amount of smirking.

The trailer had most of the best bets in it, I say most because there are 2 scenes that couldn't be shown in a trailer which just so happened to be where I laughed the hardest.

Not a cinema film, but well worth a watch at home.

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