What film did you watch last night?

Joker: Folie á Deux (2024) - 3/10

Whilst it was very well put together production, it wasn’t very interesting or very entertaining – without the musical numbers, most of which are intentionally sung out of tune, there’s nothing to it.

The plot’s minimal, there’s very little diving into the characters’ psyche and the musical numbers were neither big or impressive.

The acting performances were strong and stylistically the down to earth grungy choices make sense, but it was too long with nothing to say and an ending which made the film feel pointless.
Return of the Jedi - Just back from the cinema and the SW circle is complete! First act was fantastic with great introduction to Luke, Leia and the gang. Rescuing Han to dealing with Jabba. Nice and clean on Tattooine :D. It does stagger a little with more pros than cons in Endor. The bikes chases were great and the effects still holds up. Ewoks take you back a little but still did the trick to supporting the rebels in their quest. Ian McDiarmid did a great job bringing the menace and evil of the Sith in the form of the Emperor to the big screen. Nevertheless enjoyed the conclusion and OG movies still to this day imo had set the bar for future SW movies that should have followed. Highly recommended especially on the big screen. 8/10
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The Fightners

Since its October and I’m not a huge horror fan time to watch some films that kinda blend a few genres together.

Haven’t seen it in ages and loved it. Always been a huge fan of Michael.J.Fox.
The Lockdown - 5/10

I kinda had it on in the background, but it seemed to me to be a very simple, basic movie, with rather poor acting and even the fight scenes seemed rather fake.
Return of the Jedi - Just back from the cinema and the SW circle is complete! First act was fantastic with great introduction to Luke, Leia and the gang. Rescuing Han to dealing with Jabba. Nice and clean on Tattooine :D. It does stagger a little with more pros than cons in Endor. The bikes chases were great and the effects still holds up. Ewoks take you back a little but still did the trick to supporting the rebels in their quest. Ian McDiarmid did a great job bringing the menace and evil of the Sith in the form of the Emperor to the big screen. Nevertheless enjoyed the conclusion and OG movies still to this day imo did set the bar for future SW movies that should have followed. Highly recommended especially on the big screen. 8/10
I watched this at home earlier in the week. ***** in the screenings for IV an V despite only being about 10 people in each. Also watched the sequel trilogy this week at home.

I do agree it's much more enjoyable on the big screen though.
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Got round to watching Morbius on Film4 streaming this week. I thought GOG3, Antman3, & Eternals were bad, This is a whole new level of BAD. 1/10 I turned it off after 30 minutes. No wonder Jared Leto got the Golden Raspberry for this.

While watching I was hoping that:

Matt Smith would change back into the 11th doctor and cure both himself and Mr. Leto then fly off in the TARDIS with Mr. Leto who becomes his new companion.... Much better ending methinks...:D;):p
Got round to watching Morbius on Film4 streaming this week. I thought GOG3, Antman3, & Eternals were bad, This is a whole new level of BAD. 1/10 I turned it off after 30 minutes. No wonder Jared Leto got the Golden Raspberry for this.

While watching I was hoping that:

Matt Smith would change back into the 11th doctor and cure both himself and Mr. Leto then fly off in the TARDIS with Mr. Leto who becomes his new companion.... Much better ending methinks...:D;):p

GoG3 was awesome! Agree with Antman3, not seen Eternals, but you can also throw in Thor Love and Thunder in the turd category - i cringed hard at that movie.
Prey 6/10
Whilst the setting is refreshing initially, it does tend to slip into just being a contemporary Predator film, but in a historical native american skin. Re-purposes scenes and lines from the previous films towards the end as well.
The banker, 7/10

Went in blind, so had no idea it was based on a true story. It's a shame people end up getting punished to progress civil rights but they were both instrumental in building a fairer society in America. Stars Samuel L Jackson and the guy who is A-train from the boys Flacon in the marvel films.
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The banker, 7/10

Went in blind, so had no idea it was based on a true story. It's a shame people end up getting punished to progress civil rights but they were both instrumental in building a fairer society in America. Stars Samuel L Jackson and the guy who is A-train from the boys. Falcon from the Marvel Films.

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