What film did you watch last night?

The Black Cauldron - Well made as per Disney but a very odd and misjudged combination of being terribly Clichéd and old fashioned while trying to be dark and modern. 4/10

The Internship - Better than I expected and quite amusing and harmless way to spend time. 6/10

Jobs - Steve Jobs Biopic. Polished and well made but nothing that isn't already been said and we already know the story. The film tried it's best to put him in a sympathetic light but what a complete *******, and no amount of embellishing could remove what in essence is quite a vile man. I'm so glad I never have and never well give that company a single penny. 5/10
Just saw There Will Be Blood 8/10 . Daniel Day-Lewis is absolutely brilliant. After watching Gangs of New York I saw TWBB simply for Lewis and his glorious moustache.
Jobs - Steve Jobs Biopic. Polished and well made but nothing that isn't already been said and we already know the story. The film tried it's best to put him in a sympathetic light but what a complete *******, and no amount of embellishing could remove what in essence is quite a vile man. I'm so glad I never have and never well give that company a single penny. 5/10

I saw this.
100% agreed.
A decent movie.
Worth a watch if it came on the telly, but not good enough to be in the cinema.
This is the end.

1 out of 10. Don't even know why I continued to watch after the 1st 15mins. But i stuck it out, only for it to go from a 3 out of 10 to a 2 out of 10, to finally a 1 out of 10.

Worst film I've seen that i can actually remember.
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