That's was also great, so was Silver Streak and Young Frankenstein.
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory was his first movie i watch and at that time i i though, he shows a lot of emotion when talking.
Haha!Battle Los Angeles
Watched it as I wanted something mindless to watch whilst hungover. An absolutely gargantuan pile of rubbish. I regret spending the time on it. It's only not getting a 1 because explosions and spaceships.
Nightcrawler 8/10.
I like Jake Gylenhaal, I actually think Source Code is a very good film, and in this I thought he was excellent. If he doesn't, at the very least, get an Oscar nomination for this, I'll think less of the Oscars than I did after Titanic won Best Picture.
Begin Again
Brilliant movie. Brilliant soundtrack. If you love music, you'll love this, it's a great heart warming film. I loved it.
Google Gene Wilder on Willy Wonka Remake, Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks, And More | 92Y Talks. As it was an interesting interview. From last year. I'd love to post it but I'd likely be permanently banned for it.