What film did you watch last night?

I saw Gamer last night, very much a remake of Running Man with a near future plot taht imagines where current popular culture might end up. Decent enough film tbh, Michael C Hall does a good job in a lead film role.
I saw Watchmen recently (the Director's Cut), thought it was excellent in places but wayward in others. Wish it could have been about an hour longer to be honest
because some of the scenes were too short. The progression and character development felt too quick in comparison to the comic and there could have been less slo-mo.
I put Angels and Demons on but fell asleep after about 20 mins, dunno if that was due to it being crap or me being knackered, or both.

I'll try and watch it again tonight.
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I very much enjoyed it, funny in places, decent story and some good dialogue :)
Night of the Comet what absolutely fantastic and cheesey 80's SciFi!! :D

And the night before that...

The Stuff even more cheesey 80's... err I think its supposed to be horror hehe :D

OMG!! I didn't think anyone else would have heard about The Stuff:eek: Watched quite a few years ago while going through my "how many utterly crap horror movies can I watch" phase. :D
Hehehe!! I remembered seeing it as a kid and really thought I had to see it again...

It was WAAAAAAAAY more cheesey than I remember but still fun :D
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