What film did you watch last night?

It Follows 9/10

Very well done creepy horror. Was getting total flashbacks to the original Halloween due to the settings, the way the camera moved and the use of music. The music deserves a 10/10 on it's own due to some deeply unsettling scores which crank right up to crazy in the scary bits. Impressive stuff. David Robert Mitchell is a director to watch.
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It Follows 10/10

Hands down, the best horror movie I have seen in the past two years. The soundtrack was unbelievably unsettling. Cinematography......awesome.

Great, great movie.
Robocop (the new one)

I tried to watch it pretending that the original didn't happen, based on this I would give it a score of 5/10, liked Gary Oldman and Bat/Birdmans performances, the story was... what story?

Coming back to reality and the fact the original did happen it gets a 2/10
A question about It Follows that's been bugging me for those that have seen it..

There's a scene where she's being driven away from her house and she spots the guy butt naked standing on the roof of her house. You can see it's her dad from the pictures on the wall, but him not being around is never explained. The dad doesn't start walking after her like the rest, so is she hallucinating seeing him or was he carted off to a loony bin in the past and has now re-appeared?
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