What film did you watch last night?

Exodus - 8/10 - Really enjoyed the film, a big fan of most Bale films as well, and he delivered again in this. Surprising as the trailer didn't really inspire me to watch it.

Complete opposite for me! Rubbish acting generally especially accents. Another Noah really which could have been so much better.

The trailer made me want to watch it!

4/10 being generous.
Chappie - 7/10

Yes, the issues were raised in a crude and in a not very subtle way. Yes the acting was pretty ropey most of the time. Yes it was a bit silly and don't try and analyse it too much

But we all enjoyed it a lot. I'm only giving it 7/10 as i can see why other people won't like it.

And the CGI for Chappie was stunning, the way it interacted with the environment just made it completely 'real'
Grand Budapest Hotel - bored to tears after 20 minutes but persevered to the end hoping it would get better....it didn't.

Not sure how it gets 8.1 on IMDb, I'd maybe give it 5 at most, it certainly thinks it's a good film though.

Absolutely love this film...as does my other half.

I love his stuff though, adore Life Aquatic.

On my flight over, and I really enjoyed it! I can't put my finger on why, but I thought Keaton and Norton both gave brilliant performances.

I thought the acting from Keaton was good, but the film still didn't really grab my interest much beyond the opening scene. Norton's introduction added something which piqued my interest for a while, but it all generally fizzled out into something which was watchable but not stand-out.

6/10, maybe 7/10 at best from me.

Much preferred The Imitation Game (8/10).
Watched Kingsman last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Some really good action scenes, especially in the church! Very entertaining, and much better than I thought it would be.
Here are a couple I have watched in the last week:

Nightcrawler - 7/10: I didn't have high expectation of this film so was pleasantly surprised. Good storyline with interesting characters. I won't go into much for risk of spoiling the film other than to say that it is about freelance filmers of news video, a bit like the paparazzi of video news. Definitely worth a watch.

The Equalizer - 7/10: This may have deserved a 6/10 but I do like Denzel Washington and his films generally. Some decent action but a little far fetched but still worth watching.

Grace-The Possession - 7/10 : Pretty run of the mill possession film but the twist here is that is filmed in the first person, a bit like playing Outlast or Silent Hill. It is a little dis-orienting at first but after a while you get used to it. Definitely a different perspective on horror films and worth watching just for this.
300 The rise of an Empire...7/10.
Although not the best film ever I quite enjoyed it...again.

Going to watch The Fugitive later having never seen it...watched the first 20 mins or so the other night and it seems like a good film.
We watched "Fury" which was very good, really well done and didn't play down how nasty war is, or that at times our soldiers were not exactly saints, but humans with human flaws.

I'd give it an easy 8 out of 10.
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