What film did you watch last night?

Calvary. Brilliant, we really liked it. Brendan Gleason was excellent. It was dark and brooding and ultimately quite bleak. Very good all told.
Interstellar - 10/10

So epic, made me think about what I'm doing with the time available to me. It also made tears come out my eyes a few times, although that's due to me being hungover and more emotional than usual...

Will watch bird man after dinner I think.

Watch it with a clear head...it's ludicrous:p

The fight with Jason Bourne on the frozen planet is comedy gold :D
Transformers age of extinction.

Started of reasonably well, by half way through I was watching stuff on youtube. Total pap.
Not that I was expecting much else.
Transformers age of extinction.

Started of reasonably well, by half way through I was watching stuff on youtube. Total pap.
Not that I was expecting much else.

It just means you are a perfectly sane man Glaucus, TF movies are piles of **** (if you got the piles bit, and then ****, you'd understand they're double **** movies) Do not watch people
Hobbit_Desolation of Smaug - 9/10
I'm not really a big fan of the middle earth stuff but quite enjoyed the first hobbit film and same goes for the second.
Hopefully gonna watch the third tomorrow.
End of days

Arnie v satan. Average film with good performances from arnie and Gabriel Byrne. 6/10.

I robot

good sci-fi/ action film. 7/10
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I must be missing something… I watched John Wick on Blu-Ray a few nights ago. Then I'm seeing John Wick TV advertisements for in cinemas April 18th.
John Wick - UK got a much later release date due to distribution wrangles - yet another reason cinema is an outdated method of content release as few people will see it an a cinema 6 months after the US release and months after the Blu-Ray release. :(
Fast & Furious 7

Dumb story, cliché writing, occasionally wooden acting... flippin' amazing action sequences, some superb cinematography, astoundingly entertaining. Just chock full of pure awesomeness, grab the popcorn!

And man, that send off for Paul W. at the end :(

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