What film did you watch last night?

16 blocks, SPOILERS***

bruce willis makes his way through new york with a very annoying witness who never shuts up. His cop buddys want the guy dead as he is going to testify against them, id have killed him just for talking too much in an annoying voice.

Willis gets a change of heart after being a tired, corrupt washed out old detective and he decides to do whatever he can to get the witness to the court house, even though he has a gammy leg and asthma and he is being pursued by the entire NYPD he manages to get there.

Very average movie with no standout performance 5/10
Hamburger Hill

I like war movies but the above is probably the worst 'nam movie I've seen. Boring and didn't really do anything. Not even the poontang could save this film. I switched off after about an hour.

Hot Fuzz - classic humour and action is small English village! Lost out a bit due to the Bluray sound being very quiet for talking and extremely loud for action - had to keep turning the vloume up and down to hear the talking but turn the loud bits down to stop waking anyone upstairs.
Rocky II I actually liked this sequel better than the first one. Rocky's marriage trying to suceed outside the ring his failings his brother in laws influence coupled with Appollo's anger and frustration at being ridiculed by his fans. Beautifully shot film as well. Worth a watch if you haven't see it in a while.
ZombieLand, bloody brilliant zombie fun :) really enjoyed it!

Woody Harrelson was outstanding :D

Loved the cameo from Bill Murray as well, Emma Stone is hot and Jesse Eisenberg was quite good.

Home Alone & Home Alone 2, I've not seen a kids live action film this good ... well since this and the second film. Such fun! Even now I'm grown up I still love these films.
Gran Torino - Seen it before but it's amazing. Clint Eastwood's role is flawless! He's as tough as nails.

Smokie: Are you xxxxxx crazy? Go back in the house.

Walt Kowalski: Yeah? I blow a hole in your face and then I go in the house... and I sleep like a baby. You can count on that. We used to stack xxxx like you five feet high in Korea... use you for sandbags.


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Rocky II I actually liked this sequel better than the first one.

I think my head just exploded. I refuse to believe that any sequels were made to either Rocky or First Blood, as those are the only two films in either franchises that stand up as films in their own right without all the fan good will surrounding the others.
I am legend

Just watched it again for company and it really does get worse every time you watch it. The awful ending is the least of the film's problems. It's riddled with the usual Hollywood crappy little touches and by deviating from the book's original plot it really signs it own death warrant as the film totally fails on the level that it wanted to be. It's certainly not an action film by any account so it can't even salvage itself with that. It utterly fails at conveying the original message and why the film is even called I am Legend so as it stand story has very little to offer us as viewers.

Frankly if this wasn't a Will Smith film this wouldn't make anywhere near as much money as it it in the box office so it's a 5/10
Survival of the Dead

Dear George A. Romero,

I do understand that as a father of zombie genre and film maker you feel compelled to do what you were sent on this earth to do and direct zombie films. However, taking into account that you really haven't made a decent zombie film since 1985 and have been quite frankly bordering embarassing in your projects since then I'm afraid you have left me no choice but to ask you to stop making anymore. So pretty please stop butchering the genre already been raped by camera wielding monkeys of today's cinema and find a different hobby. I hear bird watching is popular for men in their OAP years.

Yours sincerely
Zombie genre fan who thinks you've had your time now.
Collapse. Interesting movie about the conspiracy theories of some random Yank. It was made in 2007 and contained a number of dire predictions by said Yank, none of which (needless to say) have come true.
Man on Fire

It was ok, nothing amazing and in my opinion denzel is better than this.

Nothing seemed to happen for over an hour...yes they were showing him building his relationship to Lupita but hell they could have done that in 30 minutes not 70.

The Downfall. 2004

good film - i really felt like i was a part of the bunker and the downfall. quite encapsulating..

only issue i had was it was quite long in length, i think i could have almost chopped this film in half and still had a similar impact but ah well!

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