What film did you watch last night?

Event Horizon, not sure why I didn't watch this sooner, it's exactly the sort of film I like! It's obvious Dead Space took a lot of inspiration from it, that's one of my favorite games too. Highly recommended if you don't mind a bit of gory horror.
watchmen give me back the time it took to watch borefest :(

give it 5 out of ten took twice as long as it needed to get to where it was going
I saw Green Room last night.

I thought it was a really good action romp but it's not going to challenge anyone cerebrally.

I'd describe it as Black-Hawk Down meets Clear and Present Danger meets the Bourne Trilogy.
It would be quite interesting to read the book it's based on because the plot of the film seemed a bit flimsy.

If it had been a Tom Clancy or a Robert Ludlum or event a Le Carré, then I'm sure there would have been a much more interesting maze of subterfuge to the government involvement.

Perhaps I was hoping for more conspiracy and less gung-ho action.

Watched Stardust and Sorority row last night...both are pretty good i would say....stardust is a bit better though...enjoyed it whereas sorority row is basically a cheap rip off of Scream really but if you like skimpily clad women then its a movie id recommend:p.
The Departed.

Bought it ages ago & never got round to watching it. I really enjoyed it so glad I did!!
(500) Days of Summer

Awesome feel good movie, fantastic style and direction; loved it. Plus, Zooey Deschanel is gorgeous :cool:

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