What film did you watch last night?

Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Starts well, but quickly descends into a mess of clichés. With the exception of Daisy Whatever, everyone looked like they were just phoning it in. Chewbacca gave the impression that he would happily sell his arse to get off the cast, but unfortunately he had to stay until the bitter end.

Emo Ren is the weakest, least convincing villain I have seen in cinema for many years. He has no personality whatsoever, and we know virtually nothing about him. Equally useless is his mentor, the evil Severus Snoke.

This movie is essentially a rewrite of the original Star Wars, and they even admit this when somebody points out that the new megaweapon is just another Death Star ('No it's not!', says somebody else, 'Because this one is bigger!') :confused: :p

And yes, the new totally-not-a-Death-Star has the same old weakness that everyone knows about, which is easily accessible because no attempt has been made to protect it. And the rebels—who were previously cursing the Empire for blowing up planets—praise themselves after blowing up a planet.

The token black guy was so irrelevant he might as well have been an extra. The stormtroopers followed their well established tradition of shooting in every direction except where the heroes are, with all the military skill of a cross-eyed donkey with four wooden legs. Meanwhile, the heroes are equipped with auto-aiming weapons that guarantee one shot, one kill.

Blah blah blah, stuff happens, who gives a toss. Oh, and something something Luke.


Agree TFA Is total garbage.
The Witch

What a disappointment. Not particularly scary, didn't create any feeling of dread and there was some pretty silly stuff.

The old English language wasn't necessary and made some of the lines hard to even understand...or pay attention to. I did like the actress who played the older daughter though...very good.

Prometheus in 3D. I was very impressed with the 3d effects, having only seen it in 2D before.

This along with Avatar and Dredd are the best uses of 3D i've ever seen.

Dredd especially with the combination of the 3D, slow motion capture and the soundtrack all compliment each other perfectly.
Batman v Superman - was a good movie. It wasn't nearly as bad as most have made out. Don't get me wrong could have been more but I guess WB studios had a hand and wanted certain things to be in the movie.

Very impressed with BA' Batman. Was easily better than CB which wasn't easy. 8/10
Passenger 57

Really nasty 90's bad guy, liz hurley with a pretty smile and a gun. Wes snipes with many a classic line.

"Put yourself in my shoes Mr Cutter, what would you do if you were me"
"id kill myself"

Good quick blast of a film.
Batman vs Superman - really liked it and actually enjoyed Ben Affleck as Batman a lot. Did have a few cheesy moments, and felt a little like a pilot for the films coming after it, but still good.

The Witch 9/10

The Witch is not a horror film. It has horror in it, but it is an arty film drama really. I enjoyed it very much, It is a dark religious Puritan drama though, not a horror film. I can see how many may have been naive to go in expecting a jumpy horror or something, but this is why you must research these sorts of find before hand.
It's good to see a witch story told well.

Will purchase and watch again.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Snyder, 2016), what to say, genuinely inexcusably poor. Affleck was excellent though, and Gal Gadot was good. Seriously, a spectacularly disjointed, disorganised, shoddy film.

Actually crave the days of Nolan and Burton's Dark Knight.

Snyder peaked with Watchmen (Snyder, 2009), which was a underrated masterpiece.
I do agree with this.
But given that 30+ years have passed, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

I gave this movie 9/10 simply because it kept me on the edge of my seat.
And despite being 2hrs+, I was not clock watching.
The pace of the movie kept me wanting for more and even at the end, when we see Luke, I wanted to know what is up with this guy.

Conversely, the 3 movies released about 10 years ago - they were pretty bad. After watching attack of the clones (which was bad), I didn't care to see the next movie. I did see on TV and it was very..."so what". None of those movies kept me on the edge of my seat.

Can't agree with that, I don't think it's a 3/10, but nor is it a 9/10 or anything close. But the main thing I don't agree with is redoing the same story. This isn't a retelling of that story, this isn't a remake or a reboot, it's part of a 9 film series and making film 4 and 7 the same is completely ridiculous. The time between them makes absolutely zero difference, they are part of a series of stories and shouldn't use a lets say near identical basic sequence of events for the story.

AS bad as Episode one was, at least it mostly only stole the unawakened Jedi on backwater desert planet... this did that then copied almost every other major part of the storyline.

I don't believe the token black guy was irrelevant at all, it's entirely silly for him to have said that. He takes part in the attack, he saves a guy and the girl, no where near a token or irrelevant character. What I didn't like was how instantly buddy buddy he was with the pilot whose name I can't remember.

"did you see that..." type bits, it was like college bros speaking to each other after an impressive dunk while watching a basketball game. The later jokes were fine and felt natural enough, but the we just met but we're acting like the best of old buds within 8 seconds felt very forced.

It's significantly superior to the prequels, the effects didn't stand out as awful, they didn't have a JJBinks, just a JJAbrams. The weakest parts are Abrams usual, retelling stories and trying to force every old thing into the new film. If it's not the Khan moments forced in which feel awful, it's sticking in major characters from old films (Spock or Han/leia/luke/Chewy) without giving them a real part, it's predictable and boring Abrams. It's also classic hollywood. Take the old thing but make it bigger for no reason. Bigger enterprise or bigger deathstar. Tell the same story but throw in a bigger weapon or bigger whatever else.

This film needed less of the old cast in token appearances, needed a new story and not just the same weapon again but bigger... I mean what is coming for the 9th film, death-solar system? The new cast were fine, if not actually good, the look of the film was surprisingly good for an Abrams film.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Snyder, 2016), what to say, genuinely inexcusably poor. Affleck was excellent though, and Gal Gadot was good. Seriously, a spectacularly disjointed, disorganised, shoddy film.

Actually crave the days of Nolan and Burton's Dark Knight.

Snyder peaked with Watchmen (Snyder, 2009), which was a underrated masterpiece.

Watchmen was ok, though there's bits that don't work nearly as well as the comic book, which is fitting given that was Alan Moore's point all along.

I caught some of Fast 5 last night. Gal Gadot is devastatingly attractive.
I'm surprised that a lot of people are surprised about Ben affleck being good as batman. He has come along since his days as daredevil and he's played some excellent roles lately. He's developed into a much more notable actor these days. I look forward to watching batman soon.
I'm surprised that a lot of people are surprised about Ben affleck being good as batman. He has come along since his days as daredevil and he's played some excellent roles lately. He's developed into a much more notable actor these days. I look forward to watching batman soon.

Affleck is a good actor, I said all along to judge him in a role (same goes for any actor) once you have seen them in that particular role. There was a lot of negative feedback (nerd rage) when it was announced Affleck was to be the 'new' Batman.
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