What film did you watch last night?

The Witch 9/10

The Witch is not a horror film. It has horror in it, but it is an arty film drama really. I enjoyed it very much, It is a dark religious Puritan drama though, not a horror film. I can see how many may have been naive to go in expecting a jumpy horror or something, but this is why you must research these sorts of find before hand.
It's good to see a witch story told well.

Will purchase and watch again.

I do want to watch it again as I feel there's a great film in there somewhere. I had a couple of cackling witches of my own sitting behind me that did break the atmosphere.

One of those films where it felt like everything was shown in the trailers. I know I know, it's your own fault if you watch trailers, but it just felt like they barely saved any of the jokes for the actual film itself.

Dead Poets Society - 8/10.

Finally got around to watching this, somehow slipped under my radar all these years. Fantastic film, another example of how great Robin Williams is in his 'serious' acting roles.
Affleck is a good actor, I said all along to judge him in a role (same goes for any actor) once you have seen them in that particular role. There was a lot of negative feedback (nerd rage) when it was announced Affleck was to be the 'new' Batman.

Nothing against Ben Afleck or Christian Bale but I really would like to see a younger actor take over the role.
Inside Out.

Incredible film - 9.5/10


Average, but watchable 6/10. Emily Browning and Jessica Lucas are lovely to look at.
Terminator Genysis

The last couple were not great, was expecting more of the same.

It felt very similar to T2?, not as good by a long shot, but it was more enjoyable than I was expecting.

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