Not really in the same league as the previous movies. Most of the religious overtones removed and played more like a cross between Bourne and National Treasure.
Despite not reading a synopsis in advance, I saw the big "twist" coming a mile away and the whole premise of the story just seemed a bit laughable to me.
On the plus side, 4K copy crisp and sharp with excellent HDR and good sound too.
Margin Call - 8/10
I love finance type films, where I would rate The Big Short and Wolf of Wall Street a 9 this gets one lower as its a much lower key look at the 2008 crisis from the inner workings of one company when they discover 'the calculation everything is based on doesn't work'.
Well worth a watch if you're into those kind of films. Big star cast, Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons to name a few.
If you like finance films try Inside Job -
It's a documentary rather than a movie, but still very good
Also 99 Homes is worth a punt -
I've had a Tolkien weekend. On Saturday I watched all three Lord of the Rings films. Excellent entertainment. Then on Sunday I watched the three Hobbit films. Again, excellent entertainment.
Closed for 18 months so isn't open again till early 2018.
Good luck and safe journey![]()
I absolutely loved the lord of the rings trilogy. Amongst my favourite films of all time.
I really hated what they did with the hobbit series thoughIn no way was there enough material to make 3 films. So much made up padding was stuffed into them. And CGI Billy Connolly riding into battle on a pig just killed it stone dead. Shame as i had such high hopes for it when originally announced.
Doctor Strange. Great visuals, great acting from the leads, the usual perfect sprinkling of humour that Marvel does so well, yet somehow a little underwhelming. It seems to be all about Strange's origin story and his training, and then straight into him saving the world. It seems to me the pacing suffered a little to try and fit the story into a sensible running time, where really we could have done with some time winding up the antagonist's story to have a better understanding of where he was coming from and what the true threat was.
Agreed. Still absolutely loved it though! Little bias perhaps as I have an enormous man crush on Cumberlumbertumblrbatch.
He is great. I loved the way you really got the fact that he started as an arrogant ass, that you feel sorry for him when he is broken, low, and desperate, and in the end you sympathise and cheer for him as he builds himself back up as a sorcerer. And finally the complete sacrifice worse than death he's willing to give at the end to save everyone else. Cucumberinbatches really makes you go along with the character's journey and your feelings for him change throughout the film as Strange himself changes.
Indeed! A very good if not slightly clichéd character arc.
Tbf, the character was created in 1963, so the concept wasn't as cliched then as it is now![]()
Manchester by the Sea : A bit of a "slow burn" but overall a good story well told 8/10.
I watched Dr Strange too. I'd give it 7/10.
I love the lore involved with Dr strange and the world, and I like the character, but the film itself is just pretty good, but not great.
Dr Strange imo is a character that should just appear in most Marvel things. I would like it if he wete incorporated in to most upcoming films/TV shows. I especially think he would be a great one off appearance in Agents of Shield, which imo is the best thing they are doing atm.
going to watch this some time this week.
he is featured in Gotham which i really enjoy watching.
not expecting the movie to be as good, but i am looking forward to watching this.