What film did you watch last night?

A United Kingdom. Pretty good, though I'd have liked more about the tensions on the African end rather than just the British being difficult.
Went back to the 80's and watched 'Staying Alive' starring John Travolta,
Followed up closely with

Flashdance starring Jessica Beal.
Bladerunner 2049 9/10.
Stunning. Great story, visuals, acting - the lot.

Baby Driver Unrated
Got on my nerves and stuck it for about 30 mins but it had to go off. I'm a massive Spaced fan but I realise I just dont like Edgar Wright's films
Lego Ninjago The Movie 8/10

My son loves Lego and loves Ninjago.

I am not a fan of the Lego Movie or the Lego Batman movie, but this was pretty good with some adult jokes in there. The main villan in the movie as well was hilarious in some scenes.
Piranha 3D - 5/10
It was a totally stupid, but oddly enjoyable film in the B movie tradition.
I tried watching it with the red/blu 3d glasses which were awful in terms of comfort and reliability but the 3d effect did work (but only really when it came to the "jump out" 3d, not much subtlety), and washed out a lot of the colour.
There was a certain scene with Kelly Brook underwater which was unexpected but appreciated
Probably not a waste of the pound it cost.
Spiderman Homecoming

Enjoyed this, thought they managed to get a good balance of homour/action and Tom Holland played the part very well.
Keaton still acts a good roll and Ironman himself didn't encroach too much.
Predictable in parts but non the worse for it.

One of the better efforts from the deluge of superhero movies.

A above, Spiderman Homecoming
I love Spiderman, possibly my favourite superhero so I was annoyed this was mostly dross. :(
Thought the action was a bit pants and the plot pretty terrible. Had a few okish bits and some humour but quite disappointing.

Both Toby Maquire and Andrew Garfield did it far far better.

The Bleeder 6/10

I suppose for a boxing film with very little boxing in it it was a good film, telling a story of the "real life Rocky" and his legendary bout with Mohammad Ali. I just felt like I wanted to like the characters more, or care more about the story being told.
Blade Runner 2049

Entertaining film in its own right however I didn't think it felt like the Blade Runner world. The muted, distanced feeling was a Denis Villeneuve trait which I have noticed before in the likes of Enemy and Sicario. I think that the integrity of the Blade Runner franchise should have taken precedence over the director's trademark style. The CGI trailer for the canned Prey 2 game did a better job at capturing a Blade Runner-esque atmosphere I thought.

The original was poetic and emotive, but this was not. Elongated scenes are most welcome when the dialogue is so good it has you hanging on every word. But in 2049 lines were unmemorable and throw away that such long scenes became pretentious.

Hans Zimmer's score was also a weak point. A trend I'm noticing a lot lately after watching Dunkirk and a couple of others. He's phoning it in these days and needs to stop spoiling films.

I had to look it up just incase Jessica Biel had done a remake of Flashdance I missed as I'd watch the hell out of her dancing around in spandex, though she's already been in at least one film where she dances around in less than that.

My god your right, THAT would be amazing!
Yes that was a surprisingly forward thinking movie for its time, equal opportunities : women working in welding - great Moroder soundtraack - has there been anything similar in the intervening years ?

The Gunman 2015 Sean Penn / Idris Elba / Mr Winstone - surprisingly good, grown up Bourne movie with acting, adult female, good action scenes 6.5/10
Ill in bed this afternoon so watched Draft Day on Amazon Prime on the tablet.

I really enjoyed it Costner does these kind of character pretty well. Had a pretty good ensemble cast. It was never going to win awards but was a reasonable way to waste 2 hours.
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