What film did you watch last night?

the cloverfield paradox on netflix, 4/10 didnt care for any of the characters, bit of a mess of a film.

Oh my goodness I laughed out loud at the arm crawling along the floor (probably more than I should at 1am, nearly woke the house up)
Just got home from the cinema, started with watching Black Panther, would give it a 6/10. Didn't grip me as well as Thor Ragnarok did but had some decent moments. Afterwards I did see The Shape of Water which I would give 7/10. It is good, I like the darkness in the colors used in the movie.
Black Panther - Solid 8/10 for me. Really good attempt for the first outing for the King of Wakanda. Some really good effects and a pretty good build up and story-telling. Great cast performance and a strong tribal theme for the modern era. Danai Gurira (Michonne from TWD) and Letitia Wright steals the show for me. Andy Serkis must be one of the most likeable villains and solid part from Chadwick Boseman.
Thor Ragnarok - Last night 7.5/10 from me kept me entertained and was an enjoyable visual treat but it felt strange as if most of the actors seemed to act as if they had been drinking in most scenes apart from the fight / battle ones. It may of been that the other 2 Thor movies had a more serious tone.

Baby Driver - Tonight 8/10 Looks and sounds amazing on my Home cinema system and the story was not bad either. I had been put of watching this as I hated Drive and this got the same critic acclaim and the Trailers made it look as if it was the same kind of style over substance but I was happy I got round to seeing it. Sound track was also good i am glad they chose to mix the genres of music up rather than just one style.
Thor Ragnarok - 6/10. Meh, kept checking my watch every 5mins. What is it with these movies that have squeeze crap gags into every scene? It work with GotG, but why for the love of Odin in movies like The Last Jedi, Thor R etc. Also Loki, TH is a great actor, but he seemed bored in this, just going through the motions. Oh well.

Opening was ok, reminded me of Po going against the Imperial Star Destroyer at the begining of TLJ for some reason, middle - yaaaaawn, ending - nice battle - Des and Troy, lol.

But did not rate it against other Avengers/Thor movies.
I like Thor Ragnorak, I thought the first 2 lacked a little something and whilst this may not have been quite on the mark it was a good entry. The current movies all suffer a little from the build up to Avengers Infinity Wars but they're still well made and entertaining.

Blade Runner 2049: beautifully made film well acted and a genuine sci-fi film. There was just the right amount of Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling was excellent. It felt like a World that really existed you didn't imagine it was paper thin. The story was slow and methodical there were no flashy reveals I thought it was excellent.
Black Panther 5/10

Very much a “meh” movie for me, bland and predictable. Really didn’t enjoy it much at all, Andy Serkis being by far the best part as he appeared to be having a ball.

I really feel this film has been overhyped to a ridiculous amount.
Super 8 - after watching and really enjoying Stranger Things I gave this a go. Nowhere near as good as Stranger Things but it was good enough in its own way. 3/5
Justice League.

So bad, where was this superman in BvsS? Pretty much invincible, even the 4 others couldn’t touch him and he pretty much destroyed the ‘bad guy’ on his own.
Justice League.

So bad, where was this superman in BvsS? Pretty much invincible, even the 4 others couldn’t touch him and he pretty much destroyed the ‘bad guy’ on his own.

The superman in BvsS was hit with kryptonite shells a few times and was exposed to a kryptonite spear for a while, presumably he wouldn't be at full power for quite a while after taking the hits.
Had a few days off towards the end of last week so decided to sit on my butt and do nothing but watch movies and eat cereal :)

The Maltese Falcon

Shamefully my first viewing... An absolute classic from start to finish! Can see why people hold it in such high regards, especially when referring to great noire flicks. Bogart is such a joy to watch! He's up there with Carey Grant and Jimmy Stewart with regards to commandingly charming personas on screen.

His Girl Friday

Second viewing, though the first was when I was a wee bern so I couldn't really recall any of it. The way it satirises the press is astonishingly good and it's themes are just as relevant now as they appear to have been then. The performances are excellent, the script is gloriously quick and the whole thing just oozes charisma. Loved it!

Black Panther

Wasn't all that bad. I've warmed to it considerably more after having left the theatre and given it time to gestate. I don't think it's that different in terms of pacing and themes when compared with every other Marvel flick, but the sheer level of representation was really refreshing. I was a little worried that the film would only throw token references to black culture, but it went fairly all in and I can only commend them for that. Definitely one of the better Marvel flicks, if still a little stale and familiar in parts.

Gerald's Game

Thought it was going to be one of my favourite films of last year up until the last 10 minutes or so, then it reveals too much and spoils the whole thing. Brilliantly suspenseful horror/thriller (more the latter) up until that point with some excellent performances and a brilliant screenplay.


What can you say about this film that's not already been said? Just exceptional. One of my favourite movies of all time. Get it seen if you haven't done so already!

Mulholland Drive

Possibly my favourite Lynch film... A movie I like to watch to remind myself that filmmaking can be pretty much anything the artist wants it to be and more. I will never, ever get tired of watching movies like this.
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