Thor 3 (Ragnorak) - As a stand-alone film 7/10 - as part of the Thor trilogy 3/10 - My main issue with this film, despite liking parts of it, was the massive 180' tonal change between Thor 1-2 (serious films with some humour) and this film which is a sci-fi comedy styled on Guardians of the Galaxy. Moments which should have had emotional weight such as the loss of a home planet, the massacre of the people, the death of his friends etc have been either left out (far too serious) or made into comedy moments which is an absolute travesty and the sign that the director was an awful choice.
However, if this was film number 1 of the trilogy or even a one off film, then the film is a pretty good sci-fi comedy with some good laughs but the villains felt weak and the action on Asgard felt rushed.